Chapter 1

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I never had a real friend around me. I tried to escape reality because it definitely feels good to create your own happy world. Even though people might not understand you at times, you will be the one to self-adjust in order to relate or understand them.

I'm a fat and ugly teenage girl. Didn't have lots of friends in school. I never had a boyfriend but I don't mind. Sometimes, I still can't differentiate a real friend from the other one. I was the loser in town. People judge me. So I just stay away from them. I tried to be nice. But sometimes, revenge feels good.

So, to escape reality and create my own world, I tried to find an inspiration.

By the time that I found it already, it was Johnny Depp. People accused him for being weird. I don't know why, but I just like him because I can relate to him.

The first Johnny Depp movie that I saw was Alice in Wonderland. Ever since that movie came out, I was already in love with him. Then, I did a research about him (more like I stalked him, com' on! You do that too!) . I started talking about him on Facebook, to my friends and to some other people. But, people think that I'm weird. Why was I in love with a middle-aged man? So, I stopped liking him in order to not embarrass myself.

Few years later, Dark Shadows came out. I forgot everything about Johnny Depp.

May 12, I was with my friends, we were going to watch a movie. Didn't know which. Then, I just saw "Dark Shadows" starring Johnny Depp. "Hey! He sounds familiar." I said. So, we went to watch Dark Shadows.

While watching the movie somewhere in the first scene, ["Angelique, how many times do I have to tell you not to stare at him."]

My friends looked at me. "Haha, she mentioned your name." my friend said. "Hold on, are you sure?" I asked. "Don't know. Maybe." my friend replied.

Later on, [Angelique: "Let me hear you say 'I love you, Angelique, I want you." Barnabas: "Angelique, I am sorry my dear but, you will be hearing a lie."]

I was surprised.

You see, my name is quite unusual for them to spell it right. At Starbucks, they usually spell my name as "Angelic" "Angelie" "Angeline" "Angeli". But I think that the worst one that I got was "Angelik". I just laughed at it.

Anyway, when the movie ended. I waited for the ending credits to make sure that it was spelled correctly. Then it was! I was very happy! I felt very connected to the character. So, there it began. I did my research. I was in to Johnny Depp again. But now, with Tim Burton and Helena Bonham Carter.

It was official. I was in love with Johnny Depp. I heard that he was single. Then, I just imagined that I might have a chance with him! What a foolish thought. Why would I fool myself? But I still did.

I worked hard. Tried to loose weight for him. So far, I have lost 5 pounds. I'm quite proud at that. Don't know why, but I just did it anyways.

Yep, Johnny Depp was definitely a good influence to me.

I uploaded pictures of him on my Facebook account. Now people think I'm getting weirder. So what if I was in love with a 50-year-old man? Life is short. So I'll just enjoy it while I can.

Then, I did some researches on Helena Bonham Carter too! She was such an amazing person. Just like Johnny. I watched their movies, watched their interviews. Everything!!!

Yep, I became proud that I was one of their fans. Came to the point that I'm not afraid of anything. Didn't care about what people say about them. Didn't care what they say about me.

I was happy.

Now, I created an account in Twitter. I followed every Johnny Depp, Helena Bonham Carter, and Tim Burton fans. They call themselves as DeppHeads, Helenaists, and Burtonists. Until I reached one thousand followers. I had to thank my first friend on twitter which is Fleur. She was the reason why I got lots of followers. So I'm very thankful that I met her on twitter.

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