#1 The Tears of a Blondie

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Hey I hope you like this chapter, and will keep reading. Also this is a separate book from the rest of my other gravity falls books, but your welcome to read them. Also leave a comment of what you thought, and if there are any other things you want in this book.

I Do Not Own Gravity Falls

Ok now back to the book.

Dipper P.O.V

I walk outside of the mystery shack, as I see Mabel and Soos doing truth or dare. They ask me if I want to play and I say "I'm good", as I walk towards the woods to set up more signs for the mystery shack.
As I walk off I see a pond with a girl throwing rocks. I hear the rock smack the water harder and harder as I get closer and then I see its Pacifica. I think "you got to be kiding, I better leave her alone", as I walk off I see her shead a tear. My eyes open wide and before I knew it I was walking towards her. I look at her, as she then turns around to see me. She quickly wipes off her tears, and asks me "what are you doing here?". I say back "im hanging these out here....why are you crying?". She then responds "none off your bussiness". It was silent for awhile, I felt so awkward and decide to ask her "you know if your upset about something then you can just talk to your parent's". She then says in a aggregated tone "if I could do that do you think I would be out here, I dont even like the outdoors", she quickly covers her mouth, and says "Im going". I think as she walks off "gosh I was just trying to help...man". I walk back to the forest to put up the signs.

( 2 hour later)

Dipper looks around and sees that he is all done, he wipes off the sweat from his forehead and puts the hammer in his jacket. "Man...its almost dark, I better head back", Dipper starts to walk and then sees a shawdow infront of him. "What the", as he pulls out the hammer he gets closer to the figure.

Pacifica P.O.V

"Dang it I got lost", I look at the ground and see a spider. "Ewww" as I step over the bug.
Then I see a figure coming right at me, I hid behind a tree and think "a bugler". I get in a defensive mode, as it comes towards me.

Dipper P.O.V

As I look I see the figure hide behind the tree. "Huh", as I walk towards the tree but then the figure comes in front of me and punches me in the face. "Ouh", as I see Pacifica. I ask "what are you doing here", she then asks "what are YOU doing here?". She looks at me and I say "I didnt know it was you", "of courses you didn't" she says in a cocky tone. I think "man what's her problem". She looks at me and says "you heading back to your house?". I look at her and say "yeah", as I walk off.

Pacifica P.O.V

I better follow him, as I walk with him. He turns around and see me following him and starts to laughing. My cheecks turns red as I say "what!". He then says "here", he holds his hand out and says so you won't get lost. I look at him and say as I turn the other way "I don't need you help". As I storm off, and then I look left and right to see where to go.

Dipper P.O.V

As I look at her I think "man could she at least be a little nice". I see her, and take a deep breath as I grab her hand and walk to the right towards the shack. I think "her hands pretty warm", as I turn around she is full red. "Crap, did I make the situation awkward ... I'll just talk about something".

Dipper: I look at her and then back at the tress, asking "so why were you upset".

Pacifica: "....well I had some problem with my family today and I just wanted to catch a breath"

Dipper: "oh...sorry"

Pacifica: "why?"

Dipper: "because I brang up your parents the first time"

Pacifica: "oh...you should watch what you say"

Dipper: "yah"....as I think "man you didnt need to be so blunt about it".

Pacifica: "hey don't tell anyone that okay", as she trys to hand me some money.

Dipper: "okay", I look at the money and say "yah...you don't need to give me that I'll keep it a secret".

Pacifica: "alright" as she puts the money back.

As we walk back to the shack, we were holding hands and the air turn more sweet.

Dipper: "okay were here"

Pacifica: "that's good" , as she let's go off my hand.

Dipper: "you wanna call your parents"

Pacifica: "oh...right", as she walks off.

Dipper: "man...can't even thank me", as I see her walk off she turns back around.

Pacifica: she turns around and says "hey...Dipper"

Dipper: I look at her "what?"

Pacifica: says "you were a great help I didn't get dirty".

Dipper: "oh your welcome"

Pacifica: then walks off and says in a wisper " I'll pay you back Dipper", as I run off.

Dipper: "what was that", but she runs off before I could hear. "Oh well". As I go inside the shack.

Dippers P.O.V

"Man...what a day", as I head inside I pass by Stan and he says "what you getting old, oh life". I look at Stan and then ask "are you ok Stan?", "kid did you hang up the signs or not?", He says in a grouchy tone. Dipper then says "yeah...I got them up", as i head up stairs. "Hey Mabel", as I lay on my bed. "Hey Dipper you wanna see something funny", I look at her and say "sure" as I get up and see a video of Gruncle Stan chasing a rabbit around and hearing Soos laughing with mabel and then cheering". I start to laugh, and think "so thats why he was acting like that". The video ends and we both sit on are beds, then Mabel asks me what took me so long. I look at her and say "oh...well I saw a friend", she looks at me and says "ok well did you do stuff?". I then say "yeah we did some stuff", she looks at me and says "well what did you do?". I pretend to fall asleep, and she bought it.

Mabel P.O.V

"Oh already asleep", as she looks at him. "I wonder who it was?", as I think I start to smile and say "it must be some special girl", then I thought I saw Dipper move. I shrugged and then went to sleep.

Dipper P.O.V

I look at my hand and think "why did Mabel have to say that...dude". I look at the ceiling and think I wonder if that's her way of saying thanks". Then I go to sleep, I think of that video Mabel showed me and I chuckled a bit, and fell asleep.

Pacifica P.O.V

As I head home and into my room, I hear my parents talking about money and that we need more. I ignored it as much as I can and headed into my room as I think "I bet they didn't even realize I was gone". I head upstairs and lay on my huge bed, and I think about how I was at the lake and how Dipper was there and what he did for me. "Well he's different from his sister....I dont understand why he was so nice to me". I look at my roof, and turn off the lights and go to bed.

Stan P.O.V

"Man, why couldn't that kid be here faster, I would've not had to run around after that rabbit". I look at waddles and then get up and head to the room and take a rest.


To Be Continued...

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