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Guess where I am today, surprise surprise...

I'm in the city, which is probably really a surprise, yep I went out with my parents and we drove a full hour to the next city where you can go shopping. I went to top shop and Primark and a few little shops, I've bought some things but really not much , because you know what England is f*cking expensive.

Now we're on our way back and now you can take a nother guess who invited me over again, 

This time you're right, the boys, their Girlfriends arrived this morning and I'm really looking forward to meet Eleanor, Danielle and Perrie, they're all so beautiful. 

I'm mostly invited I think because of Niall he's now all alone, because everyone else has got a girlfriend, but I'm okay with that, Niall is a really lovely guy to be around. So I guess it will be pretty much fun .

At the boys house

"hey Zayn."

"Hey Sweetheard, nice to see you."

Zayn gives me a big hug and leads me to the living room.

"Laura is here." he shouts through the whole house.

I hit him:" Stop shouting."

"Why they really wanted to meet you."

"You're a really bad liar, Zayn." I go over to the sofa and sit down next to Niall, who hugs me with a big smile.

"Finally I'm not hte only single person in this house anymore.

"Thanks for reminding." I laugh at him.

One after one the other stumble into the living room, The boys hug me and say that it's cool, that i'm there and also Danielle, perrie and Eleanor are sooo nice to me and I feel really comfortable towards them and we get on well. 

It's already late so we four decide to make dinner for the boys.

In the kitchen, we talk about random things and laugh a lot, normally I don't get comfortable with people really quick but it's kind of like we would know each other for a few years.

"Harry talks really much about you." Elenour says raising her eyebrow.

"That's true, Caroline is really unhappy about this." Perrie adds laughing.

"Oh is she here already, I haven't seen her?" I ask kind of confused, which seems to be really amusing.

"For sure, she will join us at dinner probably, but don't expect to much from her, she isn't a very nice person. I can't belive Harry is in a relationship with her again, you two would be much cuter, you two seem to get on really well." Danielle explains.

"Oh that's bullshit, we are just friends, he is happy with Caroline, and that's okay."

"He's happy, you haven't seen them together, right, but yeah he looks really happy all the time." Perrie laughs and the other girls join in.

"She thinks he's happy, but he's happy when you are there. He pulls a grumpy face all day, but as soon as you walk in he smiles. Don't tell different." Eleanor clears up.

"No, we don't even know each other really well, he just wants to be nice to me and wants to make me feel welcome."

"Sure." All the girls laugh.

"Dinner is ready." Danielle shouts, ending the conversation.

Later this evening

The dinner was really fun, everyone was nice and we talked about the most random things, I sat next to Niall and Harry sat down on my other side, which Caroline doesn't seem to be really happy about, she didn't talk to me the whole evening, but I don't know why.

I decided to make the first step and go over to her and introduce me, maybe she will be nice.

"Hey, Caroline, I'm Laura, as you might know, sadly we we weren't able to talk the whole evening. "

"Ah yeah, hey." She doesn't even look up to me while talking.

"It's really nice to meet you, i've heard a lot of you, the last days."

"Oh yeah? Can't say the same about you."

"Why are you so mean?" Enough is enough, why the f*ck is she so damn bitchy?

"You want to know why I don't like you?" Now she looks into my eyes, and she looks really angry.

I'm only able to nod my head.

" You want to take my boyfriend, that's why, you have to know that Harry is mine, he will never like an ugly piece of shit like you, so don't try, if you do anyway I will destroy you, so keep away from him and stop annoying us."

Wow that was really tough, I just sit there with my mouth open, not able to say anything, it's silence in the whole room, everybody heard her words, because she was shouting them. I can't help, shit I'm going to cry, I get of really quick, take my close and run out of the house.

Through the open door I can hear Harry.

"What the fuck were you thinking, are you fucking crazy, or relationship isn't real get it . She is a lovely girl. See what you did."

I run away, over the field to anywhere, no one has ever said something so mean into my face, without me doing anything. I cry and I can't stop. Somehow I end up at a cliff at the see, I can't go on. There are steps behind me, shit who is here in this loneliness I don't even know where I am . I turn around facing the person who is now right behind be.

And I look into deep green eyes. 

"I'm really sorry for the thinks Caroline said to you, I don't know what's wrong with her, please don't listen to her." Harry slowly takes my hand

"She's okay, she's in love with you, I can understand her reaction." Probably I would be the same if Harry was my boyfriend. and again there are these butterflies in my stomach which I really don't need to be there.

"Stop being silly, she shouldn't treat you like this, you are so lovly you don't deserve to be treated like this."

"That's nice you saying this."

"Hey, I really like you, since the first minute I saw you I know that there is something special about you." 

Harry gets closer and closer, now our noses nearly touch I can feel his warm breath.

"Harry." I whisper to stop this from where it's going. 

But Harry leans in and so do I . Our lips touch first a little bit shy and then harder, this kiss isn't like the one before, it feels so good and so real and we can't stop, now that our lips found each other, Harry's hands are all over my body, while i graped his hair. The butterflies in my stomach explode.

After minutes we pull away, both smiling.

"You're actually a quite good kisser." There's the cheeky Harry again.

"Thanks. But Harry I can't do this, Caroline is right you're her boyfriend even if it's just for camera, i don't want to destroy the whole project, I really like you, but I'm not going to be the badass destroying everything. "

"But I'm not happy with her, this projekt is shit, please."

"Sorry, that's too much for me, but I don't want to lose you, let's try if we can be friends. I know that's what they always say, but it would be the best for everybody."

Harry just stares at me and I walk away leaving him alone. 

I hear him whispering "fuck" into the night.  But I can't go back now.

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