this is sad l'm Justin Biebers adopted little sister,

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So l have a few issues , 1 l live in an all girl orphange , 2 l hate almost everyone here, and 3 Justin Bieber’s  mom  decided to adopt me. Sad I know, but hey at least you don’t have to live with him .  So heres  a little information about me. My names Kelsey, I’m  15 , l ‘m crazy , l aint afraid to fight and I’m friendly.  I’m trying to finish packing cause my plane leaves in like an hour and l have to leave in 5 minutes. When l finished packing l walked downstairs and said bye to the people I liked, l sat in the taxi and listened to my ipod to the air port. *skipping plane ride,lets just say it was boring*

After l  got my stuff checked out l looked for Pattie, l saw her standing outside a coffe shop,  “hey sweetie, you must be Kelsey.” She smiled as we walked to the car. “So Kelsey my son isn’t at home but he should be in like an hour.” She said as we pulled up to a huge house. I stepped out and got my stuff from the trunk, after Pattie showed me to my room l unpacked and changed into some fuzzy sleep shorts and a tank top. I jumped on the bed and fell asleep. I woke up to someone shacking me, “Kelsey wake up sweetie it’s time to eat “ Pattie said as she walked out. I changed into some jeans and a shirt saying “ Come to the dark side we have cookies J “ I walked down stairs and walked into the kitchen. “ So mom Scooter wants me to go to the studio tomorrow to finish recording my new cd  “a boy’s voice said. I walked in and grabbed a plate of pizza. “ Hi you must be Justin, I’m Kelsey” I said as I ate some of my pizza.  “ Sounds good to me Justin . Why Why don’t you take Kelsey with you” Pattie suggested.  Justin sighed and nodded his head yes. “ Hey Pattie can you take me to the mall?” I asked as I grabbed my multicolored purse. “ Shure honey I’ll drop you off and I’ll get Justin to pick you up when your ready” she said as she dropped me off. I walked to Hot Topic and bought some clothes. I went to a shoe store and ran into someone. “Oh my gosh, I’m sorry” I apologized as I helped him up. “ It’s ok I’m Cody and you are?” he asked as he sat on a bench. “  Cody Simpson? I’m Kelsey Bieber” I sighed as I pulled my I phone 5 out. “Yeah, Simpson and Justin Bieber has a sister?” “Sadly, I’m his adopted sister just got here today” I replied as I played angry birds. “ Do you want my number?” he asked as he took my phone. “Shure I’ll give you mine.” We switched phones back a few minutes later and Cody hugged me. “Hey I got to go, maybe we can hang out sometime?” he asked as he put his hood up and walked away. I walked to the entrance and called Justin. “Hey come pick me up” “I’ll be there in a few” I waited and climbed into his car when he got there. When we got home I walked up to my room and checked my face book. I had a new friend request, it was from Cody Simpson.  I accepted it and talked to him until I fell asleep. I woke up the next morning to Patttie shacking me . “ Get up honey you have to get ready to go with Justin” she whispered as she opened my blindes. I groaned and went to take a shower. I walked out of the shower and changed into some shorts and a tank top that said” love don’t live here.” I walked down stairs and saw Justin eating some pancakes. I grabbed a plate and ate , “so Justin, what are you going to do when you get done at the studio?” “I don’t know, I guess come here and hang out with some of the guys.” He grabbed his keys and went out to his car, I followed him and   climbed in the passenger seat. We drove for an hour before Justin pulled up to a  building.  We got out and walked into the building. “ Aye man “ Justin smiled as he walked up to Usher. “ Aye, so who’s the girl? “ Usher asked as he looked at me.  " I'm Kelsey " l replied as l pulled my phone out and texted Cody. Justin went into the both and recorded a song that made me cry. " Kelsey, are you ok?" he asked as he saw me crying. " No Justin, l need some alone time." i said as l ran out of the building, l ran until i was in the middle of a forrest and was out of breathe. l saw black dots in my vision so l passed out.

Justin P.O.V

I watched as Kelsey ran out of the building,

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 12, 2011 ⏰

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