Chapter 7- Louis

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  • Dedicated to Nevada Koch

Sorry for not updating in ages, i was fresh out of ideas but sorry if this is bad :(


             Nevada's POV

after a very long car ride, that seemed like decades. We got to the airport about 10 minutes before the plane lifted from the ground. I see Lou and his mates beeginging to walk on the plane. Me and Harry pause to look at each other in awe. Then turn quickly around back to Louis and started running with our lugage flying behinde us. Just in time, I was running so fast I could'nt stop right away and I ran right into Louis.

"UH. Ops ha sorry Lou." I said with a sheepish smile. I could tell I was bluching because I felt the heat in my cheecks. I hope he didn't notice.

"Ha no your not. You liked it, I can tell bacause your face is as red as a red fire truck! And you smiled" He said confadently with a smirk.

"Ya! well I-" I could find any words do explain my red face.

"Hahahaha speachless I see?" Gah, that stupid smick can really turn a girl on. He raised his eyebrow. I just gave him an evil look in reaturn. Because I admit, I Was speachless, I mean who whouldnt!? He's breath taking.

"Lets just get on the plane shall we?" Niall broke the awkward silence. Thank god. I only nod in reasponce. We all walk on while the flight atendance people pack up our things to get ready for take off. 5 minutes later we were off into the sky. Ah my ears are poping?! I've never been on a plane before so I have no idea what the hell is going on here.

"Aahhh! why is my ears poping!!??" I scream into Harrys ear, which is to my right. Zayn is to my left and I dont know where the other boys are.

"Ow!! That was my EAR!!" he shouts back in mine.

"Oh, was I really that loud?" I slouch and my head goes into my sholders, like a turtle.

"Uh yeah! Ya were." Oh now comes the additude. He rolls his eyes at me.

"Well jeez Sorry! I didn't know." Haha I gave a little back. He looks back at me and groans.

"Ugh. Im sorry, I didn't mean to snap at you. I guess I'm a little tired." He pulles an inasent puppy look. Oh dang thats hot AH what am I saying!?

"No it's fine, I didn't mean to scream into your ear." I chuckled and gave a week smile. He looked down at my legs, then looked back at my face. I felt a tap on my knee. What the? I jump a little and gasp at the suprising warm touch and i look down to see Harry put his hand in my leg. I look back at him, right into his eyes. seconds later i feel more touch, he's moving his hand up my thigh, but this time Zayn catches it.

"Harry!" Zayn scoldes Harry. Harry jumps like 3 feet out of his chair and takes his hand away faster than lightning. I've never seen anyone move that fast. He moans a depressing moan and slowly turns away from Zayn and I. I look at zayn and send him a "What was that for look". He shooed me off. The rest of the plane ride was quiet.


Hope you all liked this chapter, people kept begging me to update SO I DID! ^_^

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 25, 2013 ⏰

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