The Majors

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Blake and Weiss sauntered across the Rainbow Bridge. They walked in silence, once again taking in the sights that still entrap their senses. When the two lifted their heads up to cross the end of the bridge, a certain goddess was there to greet them.

"Hello, you two!" Aphrodite waved, "How was your day?"

"How was our day?!" Weiss fumed, "WE ALMOST GOT KILLED!"

"Despite that, you two seemed to have fun," Aph replied knowingly. "Blake, you did an outstanding job, considering this was your first Grimm encounter."

Blake smiled, "It...was scary...but," she turned to Weiss, "I knew everything would be fine since she was there."

Weiss blushed crimson, "B-but you got clawed at," she looked down dejectedly. "That had to hurt..."

"It did," Blake confirmed. "But it was still a lot of fun. Even though it was terrifying."

Aphrodite listened to them in awe. She really did ship them, but decided not to tease them at the moment. "Let's go, there's a surprise for you two!"

The three headed to their destination with Aphrodite in the lead. A sudden thought crossed Weiss' mind. "You never told us we could have a three way IM conversation," she said as they passed a few kids playing tag.

Aph giggled, "Just look at IMing how you would a cell phone! Think of it as a group chat."

"That's so cool," Blake gushed.

"I know I praised you two earlier, but that was not the proper way to fight a Grimm!" Aph exclaimed.

Blake and Weiss were confused, But it worked," they said in unison.

"Not only did one of you jump on top of the beowolf, BOTH of you did! That's very dangerous!" Aph yelled. "How on Asgard did you BOTH think that was a grand idea?!"

"I was too tired to throw more fireballs!" Weiss justified.

"Yeah, and I wanted to try shocking at close range," Blake answered.

Aphrodite frowned, "It may have been effective, but since that was your first time even using your power to defend yourself," she glanced at Blake, "you should have been more cautious. That's all I want."

"I know," Blake lowered her head.

The three rounded the corner of a golden building. This brought them to a deserted, wide-open field. Sometimes the Gods use this training ground, since it is right behind the council dome. The flooring is a misty white, as if a fog is trying to rise up from the field. There are several target signs to be used for aiming with knives on the side. The main city in Asgard was quite a distance away, but several tall skyscrapers remained in sight that was shrouded by clouds. Other than that, it was a wide-open space made for sparring.

Aphrodite pat Blake's head, "The important thing is that you're both okay."

Blake felt warmth in her chest from the action. Is this what it's have a mom?

Aphrodite walked in the center of the training ground, "Here are your new weapons."

Slowly, she conjured up a rapier and what seemed to be a katana-gun.

"We...we get weapons?" Blake asked.

"Of course," Aph scoffed, "you can't fight like that again. It's too dangerous."

Weiss walked up to the elegant rapier and held it up, "Is this one mine?"

"The weapons chose you, Weissy," Aph replied. "You can only know if that weapon is truly yours by using it to fight."

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