Chapter 13

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Emily's P.O.V.

I was looking through the pizza hut and I heard the bell go "Ding dong "  , I got up and opened the door , Luke was standing there smiling , he was wearing a snapback and for some reason sunglasses .

-Hey - he hugged me

-Hi - I said

I frowned .

-Why are you wearing sunglasses when it's night time ? - I asked

He shrugged , i quickly snatched the sunglasses of his face and when i saw his face my jaw dropped and i burst out laughing .

He sighed .

-What the hell - I laughed

His eyes were covered in pink glitter .

When i finally was able to calm down i asked "Why are you covered in glitter ? "

He sighed again . - My aunt decided to bring her friend to our house and the lady had a 7 year old daughter . Well she said she wanted to make me pretty so she told me to close my eyes , i thought she was going to put some hair hooks or something but instead i felt a brush on my face and the rest you already know - he explain it to me

I nodded burst out laughing all over again .

Luke tried to look mad but he just ended up laughing with me .

-Well she did try - I said

-Try what ? - Luke asked clearly confused

-To make you look pretty but clearly it's impossible to fix your face - I said chuckling

Luke fake gasped . -Oh you're going to get for that one

-Oh no - I said before running off upstairs 

He ran after me , i ran to my bedroom and got up on the bed , he entered the room and smirked , he walked to me and tried to catch me , but before he could i jumped over his head , yeah over his head , i'm a ninja if you didn't know .

I ran downstairs but i was instantly tackled to the couch , Luke falling on top of me , i tried to push him off of me but failing miserably .

-Ugh . Luke get out you ! - I groaned 

He chuckled and said "Never " dramatically .

He looked at me and smiled . - You're beautiful

I smiled and blushed - Stop 

He smirked - You look cute when you blush - he whispered

I pushed him again only to earn a chuckle from him .

-I hate you ! - I told him pouting

He fakes gasped and pouted too .

I chuckled . - That's the worst pout ever ! 

-Shut up you love it ! - he told me smiling

-No i don't - i said

He kissed the tip of my nose causing me to giggle .

My focus on Luke was starting to get taken away by sad thoughts . Oh no , not again , not now ..


I giggled .

-Josh stop ! - I pushed his chest but he didn't move a muscle

-You and I both know you don't want me to move - he told me smirking

-Maybe i don't - I told him

He smiled .

-Or maybe i hate you ! - i told him

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