the first glance

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*dylans pov*
I pull the big black door open and let in the group of girls behind me, I get a few thank you's and smiles; it's better then being fully ignored.
I close the door behind me making my way to my locker and there she was Julia Khan Jet, her locker is next to mine and she has long chestnut orange hair that she normally wears in a braid with clips to hold back the bangs she cut in year ten that still haven't grown back.
She shits her locker door and glances over at me, maybe she noticed me staring oh jeeze how embarrassing.

*Julia's pov*
I'm grabbing my books from my locker for first period, I have MS mills for first block and she's my least favorite teacher in the whole school. I look to my left and see Dylan O'Brien he's staring at me and I can see the look of shock on his face after he realizes I saw him, he's in my first and third period classes and he loves MS mills he's her star pupil; what a suck up.
I look over and decide to say something.

*third person pov*
Julia: your in my first period class right?
Dylan: yeah, your Julia aren't you?
Julia: yeah how'd you know?
Dylan: your right before me on the roll call
Julia: woah I never knew that
Dylan:wanna walk with me to class?
Julia: sure

*dylans pov*
I just talked to Julia freaking jet that's such a surprise, Julia's more popular than me so I thought she would just ignore me. But she didn't,when she talked to me I was super excited and my heart was racing she was like just so insanely pretty up close and I could smell her perfume and-
Julia:Dylan? Are you okay?
Dylan:yeah why?
Julia: you were like spaced out your eyes got really big and you were incoherently mumbling
Dylan: oh sorry I do that sometimes, it's pretty normal with me
Julia: are you like....ADHD?
Dylan: yeah, how'd you know that?
Julia: my brothers have it, so do I
Dylan: no way that's like insane
Julia: yeah, y,know I didn't get diagnosed until I was thirteen
Dylan: How?? I was at six, how'd it wait that long?
Julia: well my brothers have a stronger kind then me so it was slightly overlooked until then, my mum only noticed cause of my sensory issues
Dylan: wow I would never expect that from you
Julia: not many people do, we're at class
Dylan: wanna sit at my table? My friends aren't here today
Julia: or, we could ditch and sit on the bleachers?
Dylan: why would we do that?
Julia: cause I hate this class, I love history but MS mills ruins it
Dylan: I'm sure once couldn't hurt right?
Julia: I can call the office and say you won't be in for first period and you can call and say I won't be in.
Dylan: that's actually a good idea
Julia: I know right

*time skip to the bleachers*
*third person*
Dylan: and then I was like, she won't be in because I needed to take her to an appointment and she goes, for what?
Julia: what did you say?
Dylan: I said you had a migraine for the past week and that I was worried
Julia: did she believe you?

*time skip to next period*
*Julia's Pov*
I can't believe I talked to Dylan he's so nice and he makes me laugh, he's just such a great person. He's not to popular but I don't care he's a genuinely nice person and I hope we keep talking.
???: Julia? Julia?
Julia: yeah, what's wrong Sasha
Sasha: MS freeman is talking to you
*Julia looks up and sees Ms freeman standing over her*
Julia: I'm so sorry Ms freeman it won't happen again
Ms freeman: it better not, I don't like having to disrupt my students for idiotic reasons
*Ms freeman walks away*
Julia: what a bitch
Sasha: I know right?

Authors note
Hi guys im trying something new, if you like please let me know give me advice.
I might post one more today
Word count 676

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 09, 2024 ⏰

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