Pleasuring a nerd

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I walked into my 5th period class, AP Chemistry. I don't even know why im in AP chem, im not that smart. But everyone else in that class is, and there's not one hot guy in this class, I mean unless you count this one nerd i always eye fuck. His name is Harry Styles, he's the smartest in the class and if you look past his glasses, hes very attractive. He has dark brown curls and the most prettiest green eyes. And luckily for me, we sit right next to each other.

I set my stuff on the lab table and took a seat, turning my head to see Harry. He was buried in his chemistry book, his glasses on the rim of his nose.

"Hey Harry." I smiled

He cocked his head up and his eyes got a little big

"H-Hi (Y/N).." He stuttered, putting his head back in his book

I rolled my eyes, typical shy Harry. I was about to speak again, but i was interrupted by our super strict teacher, Mrs.Upperton. She was probably one of the strictest teachers on campus.

"Alright class, today we will adding and subtracting sig figs. You'll solve 20 problems and then create a model of an atom. The person sitting beside you will be your partner, i don't care what you have to say you will work with them. And this is all due tomorrow."

Moans left some students mouths. I sighed and put my head in my hands, but quickly jerked my head back up, realizing that Harry was my partner for this assignment. I turned my body around so i was facing Harry. He glanced up at me and gave me a smile that made my heart melt. I smiled back.

"So uhm, I understand if you don't wanna be my partner, I'll just work on it and put both our names on it." Harry whispered

"No Harry, I wanna work with you. Now your place or mine?" I asked

"Uhm well I guess we could do it at my place. I have this really cool atom making kit and....and i probably sound like a loser." Harry said shaking his head

" I think that's actually kind of, hot." I said touching his leg

He winced at my touch and his cheeks got a little red. I let out a little giggle, he just smiled shyly. We sat there for a couple minutes until the bell rang. I grabbed my books and stood up.

"So i'll see you after school Harry? Wait for me by the fountain. Bye." I winked, and walked off.

-End of the day-

I walked out of my last period class and down the long hallway, towards the fountain. My heart was racing as I saw Harry sitting on the edge of the fountain, reading that chemistry book again. I was about to walk up to him when Carlos, captain of the football team slapped Harry's books out of his hand. I rolled my eyes and immediately walked over to Harry.

"Oh hey (Y/N)." Carlos said winking at me

"Hi, Carlos. Yeah i heard there was some nerd down at south hall who said you cant do more then a hundred push ups." I said lying

Carlos' face got angry, "Oh really...hmm better go settle this than." And he stormed off

"Thanks..." Harry said quietly

"No problem, he's a jerk anyway." I stated

"Well i think he might like you." Harry murmured

"Why do you think that?" I asked

"Because he winked at you..?" Harry said

"That doesn't mean he likes me Harry. Just means he finds me attractive." I chuckled, giving him a wink

Harry gulped "Oh....well my car is this way." and he led me to his car.

-At Harry's House-

We pulled into a gated area, where Harry pushed a few button. Seconds later the 10 foot gate slowly opened revealing a long road, which led to Harry's mansion. We pulled into the driveway, his house was two stories high, but had the length of more than 2 football fields.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 09, 2013 ⏰

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