Chapter 22

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Jake's pov

"It's time i told you the real reason that i knew your parents and why i was so close to your mother." she looked at me and i nodded signalling for her to continue. "I was close to your mother baecause she...she was...she was mother" my body went rigid with shock. My mother never metioned that i had another sister.

"And my father?" she shook her head.

"No. We have the same mother but not the same father. My biological father was a werewolf and our mother was a vampire."

"Wait. You're a hybrid?" Elena asked from next to her. I didn't know she knew about this stuff. Molly turned to her.

"Yes.How do you know about hybrids?" Molly was looking at Elena ignoring everyone else around them.

"I was reading a book about the myths and legends of vampires and lycanthropes before Matt came and it said something about hybrids."

"Can i see it?" Elena nodded.

"Wait here i'll go get it. I'll get Matt to, he hasn't seen you in a while, i'm sure he would love to see you." Molly nodded at her words. We all watched as Elena walked out of the room and upstairs to Damon's room.

Elena's pov

I walked out of the room and up the stairs. I stopped at the guest bedroom since it was on my way to Damon's room. I knocked lightly on the door.

"Who is it?"

"Matt it's Elena" I heard my brother come to the door and open it. His hair was messy and he was shirtless.

"What's up?" his voice was groggy from sleep.

"Molly's here. She wants to see you. You havent't seen her in a while. Go see her." Matt nodded at my words and went to step out the door, i put my hand on his chest to stop him. "Put a shirt on before you go. It's not just Molly down there, Jake, Lindsay, Jordan and Luke are still down there. So wear a shirt" he nodded and grabbed his shirt off the bed and put it on. He walked out of the room. "I'll be down soon, i've just got to get something for Molly first"

"Okay" he walked off and down the stairs. I walked down the hallway to Damon's room. I knocked on the door, not wantingg to barge in.

"Come in" I opened the door to see Damon laying on the bed, shirtless reading a book. I couldn't help but look. "Enjoying the view?" I chuckled. I walked over to the chair i had been sitting on earlier, where i had left the book. It was gone.

"Hey Damon, have you seen the book i was reading earlier? I thought i left it on this chair but its not here anymore"

"Yup, its right here" I looked up at him and noticed he was reading the same book that i had been reading earlier on in the night. "Why?"

"I need to borrow it"

"Well, you're just gonna have to come get it then aren't you?"

"Fine i will" I walked over to the bed and tried to grab the book out of his hand but he had a tight grip on it. "Come on Damon, give me the book" I tried to get the book out of his hands again but he still had a strong grip on it. He grabbed my arm and flipped me onto the bed and was on top of me. I pushed him off me and got on top of him. I placed my lips on his. While he was distracted with the kiss i grabbed the book from his hand and jumped off him and ran for the door.

"Elena, i'm gonna get you for that" I heard him get up off the bed, i glanced at him over my shoulder and stuck my tounge out at him and began running towards the door again. I opened the door and ran down the hallway. I looked behind me to if he was following me but i couldn't see him, i turned around to go downstairs but i walked into a chest, i looked up and saw it was Damon. A devilish smile spread across my lips and i quickly walked around him but i didn't even take one step away from him before i felt his hands around my waist.

I squealed "Damon!" the next thng i know he had thrown me over his shoulder. I pounded my fist on his back "Damon! Damon put me down!" I couldn't hold back the laughter. "Damon!"

"I told i would get you for that" he chuckled.

"So are you gonna carry me down the stairs like this?"

"hmmmm. Yeah, I think i am"

"Damon. Everyone's downstairs"

"So. Doesn't mean i shouldn't carry you down the stairs like this"

"Damon? Can you please put me down?"

"As long as you promise not to run again becuase i will catch you. Again" he put me down on my feet in front of him. I turned around and started to walk until i was at least five steps from him.I stopped and looked over my shoulder at him.

"Hey Damon" he looked at me. "Catch me. If you can" i started to run again. I heard him groan and he started to run after me. I made it to the bottom of the stairs without him catching me. I had just walked into the living room when I felt his arms around me.

I could feel his warm breath on my neck. "Gotcha" I giggled. I handed Molly the book that i still had in my hand. She took it from me and opened it. She flicked through the pages until she found the one she was looking for.

She looked at me. "Here it is"

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