Real or Fake Friends

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Hi Guys, it's been a while since I posted a chapter but I'm back.
In this chapter I want to talk about Friends.
A lot of people have friends, some don't.
But that's another topic.
I want to talk about "Real" and "Fake" friends.
Everyone, who has ever had a friends in his life, has had both of them.

Since I've been little my family moved from city to city, from house to house and I never really had chance to like be friends with someone for a long time. Since a few years we haven't moved anywhere, which I think is really great because I can have a "normal" life.
I've made a lot of friends in these years, some turned out to be "fake" friends, some weren't really my friends from the beginning, but I also made some good friends.

The good thing about friends is that you can have fun with them, you can tell them everything.
But friends are also only human, (unless your best friend is a animal they only disappoint you when they die) they also make mistakes.
For example, you really like your best friend and this person is your partner in crime but then you notice your so called "best friend" has a lot more other close people, who are way closer to her than you.
It's a classic fault someone with social anxiety does.
It's not really the "best friend's" fault, it's neither your fault. Well, it is a horrible misunderstanding.
This person is not a fake friend, it's just a very social person who can get along with everyone.

A example for a fake friend is a I'm-only-friends-with-you-because-you-have-something-I-want-friend.
These people are horrible. If you are clever you'll notice them easily but if you are a social wreck you are going to be a victim of this horrible person.
How do you identify these people if you are a social wreck?
Easy, you will feel used but you'll keep on telling yourself that this person is good and this person changed.
Fake people will never change until they get ditched.

Friends can also hurt you with their behavior, for example they dont listen to you and then ask you why you never talk. Like seriously, I've been telling you so much and then you are gonna be like "oh why dont you talk that much?"

Like ARE YOU KIDDING ME?! I try to talk to you the whole time but you keep ignoring me!!?!! God!! Jesus Christ!!!
Sorry, but it really bothers me, because I'm really shy and I only talk to my friends very openly.
Well, who cares. I dont even know if anyone is reading this. *Sad mode off* - *Happy mode on*
Soo what was I saying, yeah ehm.. friends.

Well, there are also the friends you've been friends with but arent anymore and now they are your worst enemies. Losing a friend might hurt you more than losing a partner in a relationship.

But the best kind of friends are those who you dont see that often but when you meet them, you get along with them like you always see eachother.
These friends are the friends who make friendship nicer.

Always remember friends are also just humans, all humans make mistakes.
This chapter wasn't that long but I'll promise, I'll post a longer chapter next time.
This one wasn't that postive but remember, if you have friends or not, it doesnt acutally matters as long as you are happy, everything will be fine.
Never forget that. Keep on staying postive.

All the Love❤ smileformefighter

"Best Friends are people you dont need to talk to everyday. You dont have to talk to each other for weeks,but when you do, it's like, you'd never stop talking."

Please write in the comments what you want to read about next time and please give feedback. Thank you.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 01, 2019 ⏰

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