Chapter 4: can't stand the rain

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🎶Every scar one day will heal

Every tear one day will dry🎶

Soul P.O.V. dare she thinking such bad things about herself. I'm making my way to the exit ,to find her. I mean it when I say I love her...Damn it she's stuburn!I smile to myself ,that's one more reason why I love her

🎶Why don't you fix me?

Don't you leave me here

Why don't you fix me?

I'm fading faster and faster🎶

Maka P.O.V.

I continue to walk , I really can't stand the rain. Where should I go ? The only place where I feel home is where Soul is...but I don't have my place there anymore.

"Maka!" Says a voice, Soul's voice 

What is he doing here?

"Please...Soul don't make this harder than it already is..."

"Maka..please,listen to what I have to say..I truly love you not just as my partner,you mean the world to me."

Theres a silence

"What do you even see in me? Shouldn't you search for someone who's shape like Blair and is as strong as Kid or Black Star?"

"Maka whats with you? "

Silence again.Soul let a little laugh.

"Stuborn, bookworm, stupid,reckless..."said Soul


"But have a good heart,cares about me, is beautiful.."continue Soul"I just descrabe my ideal girl..."

He really cares about me ...

"Oh and by the way I'm only getting nosebleed because I'm a total stupid guy "

I smile at this,damn right he is.but thats the way I love him

"Hey Maka, what matters isn't the shape or the form, it's the soul...right?"continue Soul

I nodd

"You are probably the strongest person I know—"I cut him off with a Maka-chop

"Oww why!?"

"Thats for youre stupitidy...."I said.

I look at his pain face...he really his the best partner ever...I walk toward him and kiss him on the lips.

"And...what was that for?"said Soul ,blushing.

"Thats for all the nice things you said"I said blushing to."I love you Soul!"

" I love you to Maka" Said Soul with his smirk.

Without a warning he pull me back to him and kiss me,we kiss more passionnatly without minding that someone might see us.he's a really good kisser.we than seperate to take back our breath.

"What was that for?" I ask

"Payback "He said smirking."wanna go back to the appartment before we cath a cold?"

I nod . Than we made our way to our appartment,hand in hand .maybe rain wasn't so bad after all.

"Maka...?does that mean we are partners again?"


"Cool"he said

Now that Soul and I are  together, I feel complete, fixed...

-The End-


finish! Yay!

Hope you liked this short soma fic 😎😆

I don't own Soul Eater 

Or the song

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