Chapter 5

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Hey guys! Ladedadeda anyways hope ya'll like this chapter because I do… or maybe it's the next one…. (Haha see what I did there I'm just teasing ya'll because I no what happens in the next chapter) Mwhaha love you all!:)

(Eleanor POV)

Lanny and Mac were both sleeping. I felt so bad for McKenna, she was so tired. She slept the whole plane ride so far but not very well. She has woke up countless time and its so sad. I pull out my phone to change our planes a bit until my girls can get some sleep.

To: Louis

Is ti okay if we meet up tomm? I gotta get some sleep in these girls xx

I want to see Lou really bad but I think we should go to the hotel fist so they don't meet Lanny while she's tired or frankly, I don't want them to meet Mac because I'm am surprised she hasn't already exploded. She's a real grouch when you wake her up. I feel a buzz and look down at my phone, one new message:


Course love. You get some sleep to! See you tomorrow. Xxx

I smile still in disbelief as to how he is my boyfriend.

(McKenna POV)

I was woken by a slight shake, I was less tired but I didn't sleep that well being in a seat and all. I couldn't wait to fall into a bed and be taken away by sleep. I grab my carry on and look over to Eleanor ad Lanny who were doing the same. We walked off the plane in sweats and droopy eyes. The lights in the airport were blinding. I squinted into them and looked for a sign to direct us to baggage pick up.

Eleanor must have spotted it because she started to walk away. Lanny came up behind me and linked her arm through mine as we followed Eleanor.

I vaguely remember the rest. I was so tired I could barley pay attention. We got a taxi and ended up at a hotel. We had one of the nicest rooms there that was big and spacious. There were tree bedrooms in it but none of us cared we all trudged to one room and threw our bags down. I changed into a random t- shirt that was in my bag and left my track pants on. I lay down in the middle of the bed and I don't think my head hit the pillow before I was pulled into a deep sleep.

Okay guys. Short chapter but I had to get it done tonight so you had something. Not much happens but the next chapter they meet the boys! Yay! And it will be pretty long if I recall right. I love you all soo leave a review? If you all review I will post the chapter quick but if ya don't… who knows how long it could take. *Walks away whistling casually* ;) Mwhahah!... again.

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