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They hefted her by her arms. She couldn't put strength into her limbs. Her vision covered by locks of white hair while her medical gown swayed. It didn't matter to them as they dragged her across the cement floor.

Where were they taking her? What were they going to do?

All questions that would go unanswered even if she had vocalized them. No matter what they did now it would never amount to what they have already taken.

There was a loud metallic bang before they tossed her forward. Her face making contact with the cold floor. She didn't move, her eyes capturing the furniture of the room. A single metal framed bed, her mind was not on her surroundings. Slowly her body curled into itself hands going to rest over her stomach.

"Jack..." Tears spilled from her eyes, streaking her already irritated eyes. The amount of tears she already shed should not have allowed for more. Yet she couldn't help it, her hands grabbed at her stomach. She couldn't feel her baby anymore, she had nothing, no one. The grip on her stomach grew stronger nails digging even deeper into her flesh.

Her chest ran cold, nothing to her made sense anymore. After this... it was supposed to be the beginning of their life. They were supposed to be a family, leave all the fighting behind. *Hic* her breath hitched, body unwilling to move with only her hands reaching towards her face. She lost her child, her other half, she lost him. They were one... without him... what was she? Her own weakness, her softness, got both of her family killed. She wished for all of it to end.

The regrets in her mind screamed, drowning any sound. They should have left the Paradise Lost Army sooner. They should have abandoned the mission even if that meant going AWOL. Her jaw tightened, this time her teeth gnashed. The Patriots. They took everything from her, their future, their child, Jack... Yorha planted her hands against the floor, slowly crawling inching her self towards the wall. Sitting with her back pressed tight against it she looked outward and to the gaps of the bars, knees pressed against her chest while her arms rested on top. Her glaring eyes still spilling tears, like Jack, her beautiful blue-gray eyes were tainted, in her iris a red-tint flowed.

Nails scratching into her arms. Her breathing slowed between her sobs. Her mind recalling his name repeatedly wishing he was still beside her...


The horror of not being able to scream is indescribable. Needles prodded his skin, stabbing through what remains of flesh he had. The lower half of his jaw being slowly sliced off. His bloodshot eyes watching the numerous Patriot scientists who toyed with him like a lab rat. Whatever it was that kept him alive did nothing to alleviate the pain as their sharpened scalpels dissected the back of his neck.

Not helping when they methodically cut away his few remaining vertebrae from his spine. He wanted to pray to the God who he knew didn't exist. No magnanimous God would allow this to continue as it did. His head rattled, brain threatening to split open as the drilled and connected a robotic spine into the base of his skull, wires with no visible operated wormed through his brain. Overwriting his neurons, connecting to his cerebellum, stitching his hypothalamus, usurping his senses all to his occipital bone. The initial operations as his skin was flayed had been unbearable, this... his eyes leaked tears. The binding of his nerves with the mechanical and foreign cybernetic spine gave him feeling.

He felt parts of his body dangling loosely from the bottom of his head. He could feel the absence of his tongue, of his jaw. Each second they carved away he became even less of who he had been before.

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