Sam Miller
17 years old
10th grade of Alice Wise SchoolBirthday: 1th December 2007!!
Favorite color: pink, black, darrrrk red
Favorite animal: cats
Favorite subject: P.E. ☆
Favoriten artist and song: arctic monkeyssss, knee socks or smth??
Favorite film: the amazing Spider-Man! (but I'm a cheerleader)
Can't live without: my cat, my bSf, hair color especially pink one!!, my Guitars, sport, Freyaaaa!!, swearinggg, (girlssssss ^^)☆*
Matt collean
16 years old
10th grade of Alice Wise SchoolBirthday: 26th October 2008
Favorite color: dark green, blue
Favorite animal: sharks!
Favorite Subjekt: science, English , French, art, music, history
Favorite artist and song: David Bowie.. no queen!... NO abba!! NOOOOO FIONA APPLE!!.... I can't decide!!
Favorite film: anything from marvel! And Harry Potter!!
Can't live without: my bsf, the aquarium, my glasses, my camera, van Goghs art, my little brother, grandpa sweaters, coffe!Freya smith
18 years old
12th grade of Alice Wise SchoolBirthday: 6th June 2006
Favorite color: dark red, green
Favorite animal: goats, cats, dogs, birds, etc
Favorite Subjekt: art, English!!
Favorite artist and song: Gigi Perez and my favorite song is casual from chapel roan
Favorite film: Harry Potter and the goblet of fire but I actually prefer TV shows.
Can't live without: music, art, headphones, Sam, my bsf (Melanie), pride month, books, tea, the marauders
You know what?..
RomanceHeyy! Das ist eine lgbtq Geschichte auf englisch was eigentlich dumm ist, da ich nicht mal so gut English kann aber ich versuche mein bestes und entschuldige mich jetzt schon mal für die Grammatik oder Rechtschreibungs Fehler. Ich würde mich auf Anm...