Cobblestone Street

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She could feel the coldness of the cobblestone through her shoes. The cold wind blew strongly though her hair. She pulled up her scarf so that it was covering her face. She watched the leaves dance around on the street. She looked at the street sign Victoria Street her heart stoped and so did her feet.

She grabed her dads hand and thanked him for the ice cream. She was 10. She skipped along bobbing her head, day dreaming, until she heard a loud crash. She stoped dead in her tracks looking forward at the car reck that had just happend infront of her. Her dad ran past her yelling at her to go get help. But she didnt move, frozen in place. Her dad was trying desperatly to call 911 on his phone while trying to get the two boys in the backseat out of the car. Two people died that day.

A pang of guilt hit her heart. She could have saved them. She ran to the street sign and crouched against it and cried into her hands. She never forgot the faces of the 3 people in the car. It was dusk and it was getting colder. She Heard someone crouch down to her and place a hand on her shoulder. She looked up to see the face of the eldest boy in the car. The only survivor. She hugged him and wispered how sorry she was and asked for his forgiveness. The man didnt understand why she was apologizing but he held her tight.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 10, 2013 ⏰

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