Chapter 10 ★

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★ chapter 10 ★

★ Kamiya

1 week later...

"Jermaine! Pay attention!" I snapped poking his head with the pencil.

This is the third time I caught him staring at me and ignoring what I'm saying.

"Oh yeah....sorry." He said looking down at his workbook nervously.

I giggled and turned his book on the right page.

"You have to pay attention! The test is coming up next week and I want you to ace that test. Focus." I told him as I wrote a problem down on the paper.

For the past week I have been tutoring him on his geometry because that's the hardest subject he has. So far we haven't gotten anywhere.

"Well it's not my fault your beautiful ass face is distracting me." He replied back while smacking his lips making me blush and giggle.

"What I tell you about your mouth? Watch your language." I scolded him while hitting him upside the head with the pencil again.

"You gon get enough of hitting me with that pencil." He mumbled under his breath.

"Huh what?" I asked him already knowing what he said.

"Just get back to teaching me how to do this stupid ass shit." He replied back making me hit him on the head twice.

"Do this problem." I told him passing him the paper and pencil.

"Okay. I got this." He said before picking up the pencil and doing the problem.

I smiled down at him as I watched him do the problem accurately.

"There!" He yelled setting the paper down.

I giggled as he stood up excitedly.

I grabbed the paper and then looked at his answer to see that he had the correct one.

"This is wayyyy off." I lied trying to hide my smile from him.

He face dropped as he grabbed the paper.

"I thought I did it right though." He said softly going over the problem.

I couldn't help but laugh knowing I'm lying.

He looked at me and smiled his crooked smile that I've grown use to and I now love.

"So I did get it right?" He asked with a smirk on his face.

I nodded and held my hands out for him to pick me up.

"Yayyyyyyy!" He yelled picking me up and I wrapped my legs around him.

Seeing him so proud of hisself makes me feel so happy inside. I feel a warm feeling in my heart that I haven't been able to explain when I help him.

We heard laughing coming from the other side of the kitchen and we both turned our heads to see my mom.

"What are you two yelling about?" She asked with her hands on her hips.

Awkwardly I pulled myself down from Jermaine and smiled.

I feel like I've just gotten caught doing something bad.

"We have just finished a problem that we've been working on all week." I explained to her pointing down to our books.

She smiled. "Well I'm glad you two are getting excited about your school work." She smiled while clapping her hands together.

"Yeah. I've got the best teacher." Jermaine said grabbing my hand making me blush.

"Yeah that's my baby. Can you two do me a favor?" My mom asked.

"Sure mom, what is it?" I asked her.

"Can you two run to the store for me? I'm cooking us all dinner tonight and I don't have everything I need." She explained holding out a piece of paper for me to take.

"Sure. Come on Jermaine." I said grabbing the paper and holding out my hand for him.

He grabbed it and we headed outside.

I sighed a breath of relief.

"That was so awkward." I said making Jermaine and I laugh.

Jermaine and I began to head towards the store holding hands.

"Your mom is pretty cool. She took that better than I thought she would. I thought she would yell at us and threaten to kill us if we ever did that again." He joked making me die laughing.

"She use to be like that when I had boys over but I think she likes you. That's why she isn't all down your back and stuff." I told him making him nod.

"Good because I really care about you and I don't want your mother getting in the way of that." He explained to me.

"I really care about you too." I said squeezing his hand.

We smiled at each other before looking down nervously.

We were almost to the store but we had to cross the house that's known for being a drug house and there are tons of drug dealers hanging outside of it.

We stayed quiet once we past the house not wanting them to say anything to us.

"Aye yo ma! Your ass is nice and round back there. You need to get with a young nigga like me instead hanging around with that bum ass dude." One of the guys standing up by the house yelled out.

I clenched Jermaine's hand wanting to walk off but he stood still.

"What the fuck did you just say?"

Jermaine in mm 😍💕

Oooo it's about to go down *in my Kevin hart voice*

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