Chapter 5

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Very drunk Ashley Purdy, CC, Jake, and Andy, then there is one Sober Jinxx, trying to get them off of the bus, considering it's not theirs. i lean the baseball bat on my bunk. i sigh and walk through the curtains, shaking my head.

"Guys, this isn't your bus" i say calmly, having dealt with plenty drunk people in my small lifetime. Jinxx looks up, trying to drag a drunk Ashley off the bus. they all look at me. the drunks look in shock that i'm up. i walk to jinxx. "Go Ahead and let them crash here, i can deal with them in the morning. you can go back to your bus, or you can stay here, either one is fine, as long as these four don't wake up the rest of my band" i say, helping him with the Drunk-Off-His-Ass Ashley, and sitting him on the couch. Jinxx decides to stay on the bus. i see that CC and Andy crashed on the floor, and Jake is Sitting on the other couch across from Ashley. All of BVB falls Asleep after an hour, making it 2 in the morning i start making this concoction that cures hangovers, and make four of them. i put them in the fridge for later

~Timeskip to when V has to wake them up (10 in the morning)~

the band woke up a few minutes ago. when they moved the curtains, they looked at me questioningly. i made the 'be quiet' gesture, and led them to the kitchen on the bus.

"Why the hell is Black Veil Brides on our bus?" Eli asks.

"Drunkenness, that's why. they walked to our bus instead of theirs, considering we are parked 4 busses from theirs. and Jinxx couldn't get them off the buss, he's the only sober one" i say. i hear a groan come from the couch where Ashley passes out. i grab one of the Hangover Healer's, as i call it, from the fridge. i walk to the couch and sit next to him. even though he's only wearing his vest, i keep my cool, not even a blush. i poke him, and he turns to me groggily. i hand him the cup.

"Drink it, it'll taste bad, but it'll get rid of the hangover" i say in an almost guyish voice, like when i'm nervous or embarrassed... right now it's embarrassment because he's only wearing his vest. I get up and walk back to the kitchen. i go get two more and wake up Jake and CC, repeating the same words, and in a guyish voice again because i'm nervous around jake, and embarrassed around CC since he isn't wearing a shirt. Last, but not least is Andy. he needs more coaxing to get up. i sigh.

"Andy... Andy... Andy get up" i say, poking him in the ribs with my foot. luckily this is not the time where his ribs were broken. he gets up, and looks around confused. "You're not on your bus, in case you were wondering" i say, handing him the drink. "It tastes bad, but it will get rid of the hangover. you go sit with the rest of the guys, i'm going to make chocolate chip pancakes" i say.

"I heard something about pancakes" Matt says. He is in love with my pancakes. i nod, go to the stove, and turn it on. i grab a pan, a bowl, the pancake mix, and the chocolate chips. it's gotten to the point where i dont need the measuring cups. i spray the pan with crisco butter spray. i mix the pancake batter, and pour some on the now hot pan, then pour some chocolate chips on the now cooking pancake. i don't put the chocolate chips in the bowl, because that leaves a lot of chocolate chips in the bowl that didn't get into the pancakes. i make enough so that every person gets two pancakes, and i made extras in case someone *CoughMattCough* wants more than two.

"V can you get me a glass of milk?" Matt says just as i sit down. i look at him with a "Really?" look.

"I just sat down, get off your lazy ass and get your own damn milk" i say, then take a bite of my pancake. The guys start to laugh, as Matt pouts and goes to the fridge. the guys eat after that.

"Holy shit these are the best pancakes ever" i hear CC say. the other guys agree. i nod in thanks and get back to eating my pancakes. when i finish i go to my bunk. i remember the bat that i didn't move, so i put it at the back of the bus again. i go to my bunk and flop down. i pull out my phone and play "Caribbean Blue" by Enya, then put in earbuds. i feel a poke on my shoulder blade and see Eli.

"Why are you going back to sleep?" he asks.

"Because technically it isn't going back to sleep if you never slept in the first place" i say tiredly, pulling my plaid blanket over me. this is one of the times that i'm glad that i left my BVB blanket at home, considering they're on my bus. the bad part is, i brought my matching bvb throw pillow. luckily its blank on the other side, but still, that's a little embarrassing. i have a total two bvb blankets, and three bvb pillows. The third pillow is what Eli got me for Christmas. just imagine the embarrassment. i ended up kicking him out of my house for a week because of that.

I listen to the song and slowly fall asleep.


Plaid Blanket:

BVB Blanket One:

BVB Blanket 2:

BVB Pillow 1:

BVB Pillow 2:

The Embarrassing BVB Pillow 3:

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