Deirdre Davies - Quiet Please

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Loud trains, Loud people, Loud laughter. "God its all so loud, why did it always have to be loud", Deirdre thought, she hated it all, she had just barely made it on the train. she sat down with a sigh in an empty seat. She gazed out the window, and got a glance at her reflection, her sisters old jumper, "god my hairs a mess", she thought trying to smooth it a bit, her freckled covered face harbored a small frown that was tugging down on the sides of her light pink lips, her bangs looked choppy as she just gave up, shook her head a bit and called it a day. Deirdre grabbed out her note book and a pen, she loved to write, her dark wide eyes peered down as she flipped through her notebook, where thousands of scribbled ideas lay inside. Her suitcase lays up against her legs, she has a whole bag of "contraband" in there, she's been taking it with her since last year, no one ever found out because, well she never talked and no one ever went up to the astrology tower. But for some reason she was always anxious that someone would open her bag and find her lighter and her bag of it. She tried to take her mind off of it and started journaling about how the train ride was so far, she tapped her pen on the edge of her notebook feeling a bit unmotivated. Deirdre started writing about the new school year, she always despised going back to school so she wrote about that, she wrote and wrote. The noise around her got louder and louder. "Shut up, shut up, shut up", Deirdre replayed in her head, hating the noise but not being able to plug her ears, she didn't want to outcast herself even more. She glanced up and eyed what was going on, the twins, Fred and George Weasley pulling their first prank of the year, they had release a bunch of creepy crawlys throughout the train. She frowned as the bugs swarming around made people scream, more noise, she didnt mind the bugs though. "They're so annoying"  She thought, but truth was she had taken quite a liking to Fred over these years. There was something about him, tall, funny, and he had amazing hair, they were in the same year so there wasnt an obscure age gap, what could go wrong. Then she snapped back, much could go wrong, they never talked cause she never talked. Deirdre frowned a bit as she flicked on of the previously released bugs off her hand and into the isle of the train, where it flittered up into the air, her big brown eyes following it. That had recently taken her mind off the problem, or person more like at hand, the Yule ball was this year. Maybe he would ask her, maybe she was delusional like always. She had always had an active imagination, her family always said so, but then again her family had said a lot of things that she didnt really believe. With 3 other older siblings, all mostly successful, she had a lot of pressure to be great like them. The 2 that had gone to Hogwarts had all been prefects and head boys and girls. The other one was a muggle so he didnt really count. Atleast she got good grades. She looked up from her notebook to see another bug flying towards her, it danced around her head almost taunting her, she swatted away with one of her hands, not really paying attention looking back down at her notebook, someone passed by her and swatted the bug away from her head and it fell down onto the table sitting for a bit before gaining its composure again and flying up towards the nearest light. She peeked up and got a glimpse of the back of the person, walking in a pair, it was Fred and George. Deirdre cheeks turned a slight shade of red, a smile tugged at the corners of her mouth as she looked back down, did he even know it was her or was she just making an illusion in her head of what she'd like to happen. She couldn't help but peer back up at the two walking and sitting down with a group of other people, she wished that could be her, she wish she could be smiley and extroverted, but she wasnt. She peered out the window for the rest of the ride, Deirdre gave up on her journaling prompt. "Writers block, what a joke" she thought to herself annoyed as the train came to a halt. The sky was beautiful, orange and pink sunset, looked like a watercolor painting out of an artist's portfolio. As she walked with the other Hogwarts students to the gates of the castle, she saw the fancy, flowing Beuxbaxtons carriage float down, and the big, thick Durmstrang boat trudge through the black lake and anchor making a huge deal out of everything. Deirdre couldnt help wonder if the inhabitants of the black lake were alright, such as the fish and the mermaids that were rumored to be there. But she quickly snapped out of her cage of thoughts and continued into the castle prepared for the feast. Her mind still lingering about what was lurking below the waters of the black lake.  

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