Chapter 286 - 290

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Chapter 286: Dead… Yao Wang And Duan De!

“Brother Yao, your talent is astonishing!”

“That’s right. No talent like you have appeared in this empire for the past hundreds of years. You’re only 18 years old. The alchemist society in Yang City has hit the jackpot.”

“The Empire Alchemist Session held three times a year will be happening soon. If you are able to participate as a representative of Yang City, you will definitely be able to set the empire on fire.”

“However, Brother Yao Wang, your name is a little…”

They exchanged glances with each other, not knowing whether they should laugh or cry. This name was a little arrogant![1]

But, it was just a name, not a nickname. Names were given by parents, so they couldn’t say anything about it.

“This surname is quite rare. I’ve never heard of an elite alchemist family with this surname. Could it be an unknown elite family who lived in hiding?”

“I heard that many outstanding descendants of these secretive families come out to gain experience after they become adults. They will return to their families when they finish.”

“I admire people like them!”

The two alchemists from the alchemist society sent ‘Yao Wang’ off. They were impressed as they lowered their voices and discussed with each other.

Yao Wang was Wang Teng’s alias.

A moment ago, Wang Teng completed the intermediate stage alchemist exam in the alchemist society and passed it successfully. He had alerted many people.

An 18-year-old intermediate-stage alchemist!

This was a rare talent. He was destined to have an extraordinary future.

He might become a master or even a grandmaster!

If a grandmaster emerged in the alchemist society of Yang City, it would go down in history!

Even if he couldn’t become a grandmaster, there were great benefits in becoming a master too. Every master-level alchemist had the power to influence decisions on a higher level.

If the president of the alchemist society was around, he would be alerted by his talent.

The people in the alchemist society were immersed in happiness. However, they didn’t know that the Yao Wang, whom they placed so much hope on, had changed his appearance. He was heading to the blacksmith now.

The blacksmith society had a different style from the alchemist society and the rune society. The latter were elegant and noble, while the blacksmith society was bold and unrestrained. Blacksmiths had high status too, but most of them were rough and wild. They were bulky and massive. The difference between them and runemasters and alchemists was huge.

All along, these three groups of people disliked each other. They would always compete when they met.

Wang Teng had already changed his appearance to one suitable for blacksmiths. His muscles bulged out of his shirt. He was lean but muscular, and he didn’t look as frightening as the other hunks. His face was sharp and angular. In other words, he was a handsome man!

The edge of his lips went up when he walked into the blacksmith society and saw the floor full of attribute bubbles.

He picked them up.




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