Chapter 22: Hurting

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- Avery's POV -

Why is my whole body in pain? Why does my chest ache? Why do I have a massive headache? Why does my throat feel like it's on fire? I had so many questions but I didn't have the strength to open my sealed eyes. Then one thought. One word, or should I say name gave me all the strength I needed.


I opened my eyes and let them adjust to the bright light. From besides me I heard someone gasp.

"Avery?!" The person whispered and I used every ounce of strength in my body to turn my head. It was my mom...well, it was Parker's mom.

"Mom?" I said because after all she was the woman who took care of me my whole life. She quickly jumped up from the chair and rushed over to me.

"Oh my god! I was so worried" she shouted and her voice seemed to attract more people because the door to the room we were in opened and in came my real mother and father.

"You're awake" my mother whispered in relief and I observed her tear stained cheeks.

"Where's Parker?" I spoke up but my voice was incoherent

"What?" My birth father asked

"Where's Parker?" I said again this time more slowly and loudly making my throat hurt even more. Once they all comprehended my question their faces were instantly drained of color. I knew in the pit of my stomach that he wasn't ok but their expressions just made that feeling worse.

"Answer me!" I said and I didn't even realize I was crying until I tasted the salty teardrops on my lips.

"Calm down honey" Parker's mom put her hand on my shoulder and I frowned

"Calm down? You've got to be kidding. Why are you even here? You're his mother you should be with him, I wasn't even hurt!" I fumed and she backed away from me

"I just came from his room. You're like a daughter to me too. You know that" she said softly and the only thing I could focus on was when she said 'I just came from his room'.

"Where's his room?" I asked starting to get up from the bed but a pain in my chest made me lay back down

"You can't go anywhere" my mother said and I scoffed

"Of course I can! It's not like I got shot with a bullet" I yelled but quieted down when my throat started to burn

"So? You're mate did and you'll be feeling his pain through your mate bond" Parker's mom said and my dad was just standing next to my mother awkwardly watching all three of us.

"But he never marked me so I'll be fine" I said in defiance

"Then the pain wont be that bad but it will still be painful" my mother said

"Its not like he's dying" I said but I know I was just saying that to convince myself. Parker's mom, my mom and my dad froze and stayed silent.

"Right?" I asked slowly

"Tell me" I sobbed but they all stayed silent

"Leave. All of you leave now" I cried and they all frowned but left anyway. I sobbed for what felt like hours when they finally left. Parker dying? I dont think Ill be able to live if he dies. Just thinking about the possibility is killing me. I never even told him how I felt about him. I never even let him mark me. I've only kissed my mate twice. Twice! What kind of person am I?

I'll never even be able to tell him I love him. Do I love him? Yes. I know it now. I do in fact love him. Truly, madly and deeply. I guess it's true when they say you never know how much you love a person until they're gone. But, Parker's not gone. I won't let him die. He can't.

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