Chapter One

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*Lilly's P.O.V*

Spencer was waiting for my answer. A simple little word could change everything between us.

"Spencer," I said getting him to stand up.Everyone was looking at us. "Since the day I have met you, you were the one and only for me." He looks at me. "We went through some crazy stuff, but you have forgiven me for all of it. And I want to do the same with you. I want to spend my whole life with you. You are my soul mate and I am not ever going to let you go."

"So what are you saying?" He asked me.

"I am saying yes. I will be you're wife," I said. He smiles and kisses me. Once he lets go of the kiss, he puts the ring on my finger. He kissed me once more and everyone was clapping. Soon Mary ran up to us. Spencer picked her up.

"Are you guys getting married?" She asked.

"Yes we are," Spencer says.

"Yay!" She yells. I laughed at her cute 'yay.' She gets down.

"You could of said yes in the first place," He says. I smiled and pushed him playfully. He smiles. He gives me one quick peck.

*Months later*

*Lilly's P.O.V*

Spencer and I picked out everything over the past few months. I had to choose between Garcia, Emily, and J.J at who I wanted to be my Maid Of Honour. After a long thought over it. I picked J.J to be my Maid Of Honour. Mary was the flower girl. She was so excited when I told her that. I heard Spencer picked Morgan to be his best man.

Spencer and I were getting married in a church that we both picked out. And today was the day were were getting married.

Since J.J was the maid of honour we bought her a light blue dress, a very pretty necklace,red lipstick, a blue heart earrings, and blue nail polish.

Mary was wearing a pink puffy dress, a tiara, and a peach fake flower.

Garcia and Emily were bridesmaids so we bought them a red dress, red lipstick, some blush, very light blue nail polish.

As for me we went to like six different stores until we found the right dress. I got a long white sleeve dress, very dark red lipstick, Some mascara, and different kind of nail polish. From red to sliver. I also put on my Partners in Crime necklace that Spencer bought me.Soon Mary came out wearing her flower dress.

"How do I look mommy?" She asked me. I got down to her size.

"Beautiful. Like always," I said. She smiles. She skips away happily that Spencer and I were going to get married. I asked J.J if she could watch Mary while we were gone and she said yes. We were all ready and this was going down in ten minutes. I was looking at myself in the mirror. I couldn't believe that today of all days was my wedding day. And I was marrying my soul mate. J.J, Garcia, Mary, and Emily left, so I was alone.

"Wow," I heard someone say. I turned around to see James standing there. I smiled. "I can't believe that my little sister is getting married. It feels just like yesterday Justin and Mason took me and you were left to walk home." I chuckled.

"How do I look?" I asked him.He came up to me.

"You are my sister. You always look beautiful," He says. I smile. "I will be out there with my girlfriend Lindsay. Don't be nervous."

Lindsay is James girlfriend, and what I can say it was true love from the start. James met her months ago when he was taking Mary out to the park and Lindsay thought Mary was his. But they  got along after he told her Mary was Spencer's and I adopted kid. Ever since then they loved each other.

"I won't. Because when I see Spencer, I can just see us being together," I said. He smiles and walks out. I looked at myself in the mirror and smiled. Knowing I would be with Spencer for my whole life.

"Don't look too long. You might miss your wedding," I heard a voice. I turned to see Spencer standing there.

"Spence. Have you ever heard seeing the bride in her dress before the wedding is bad luck?" I asked him.

"I don't believe in all that," He says. I smile. "Besides I wanted to come over here and see you. And wow you look beautiful."

"Thank you. And you look handsome yourself," I said.

"Morgan help me picked out the tux," He says. I looked at the time.

"Spencer we have five minutes. Go," I said. He nodded and left. I sat in the chair waiting for the girls to come back, which they did.

"You ready?" They asked me. I nodded. They helped me up. I walked out and into the back. I saw Hotch waiting for me to walk me down the aisle. I asked him since my dad wasn't here. And besides he has been like a father to be since I joined the BAU. The ushers, Rossi and Miles went first, then the bridesmaids, Emily and Garcia, and then the ring bearer who was Henry of course, with the flower girl, Mary by his side. Soon J.J went. We waited and then Hotch and I linked arms and the music started playing. We walked down the aisle. I smiled.

"Thank you Hotch, for filling in for my dad. As you know he is dead," I said.

"No problem. The BAU has been like a second home and your like family to me," He says. I smile. Finally we got there. Hotch handed me over to Spencer. He looked him. "Be good to her." We both smiled and he nodded. He went to sit down with Beth and Jack. The music ended and we started.

"Dearly beloved, we are gathered together here, in the sight of God, and in the presence of these witnesses, to join together this man and this woman, in holy matrimony," The priest starts out.

"Weddings are important because they celebrate life and possibility

-Anne Hathaway"

So I hope this was a good start to the fifth book. The title I got for this book was off of Why Worry by Set It Off. I am just hoping this book turns out as well as the others. Hope to see you in the next chapter.

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