Chapter Seven

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I am in love with the new song Drag Me Down by One Direction. And I feel like it is somewhat them. Anyway read on.


*Lilly's P.O.V*

I walked back into the conference room. Spencer smiled at me. I soon sat next to him.

"So what do you got princess?" Morgan asks me. 

"Well Alex did meet someone who was a medical student. He must of gotten this medical student pissed off," I said.

"Did she give a name?" Rossi asked me.

"No. She didn't know the guys name, but she did say he was about eighteen to twenty-five. That is what Alex told her," I said. I looked at the whiteboard.

"What are you thinking genius?" J.J asked me. I got up and was still looking at the whiteboard.

"Okay so we know he is a medical student. About eighteen to twenty-five, white man, he must of got rejected from these people to kill them," I said.

"What do you mean?" Spencer asked me.

"I mean pissed them off or rejected something of his," I said. I looked at the files. "The first two were doctors."

"So he must of showed them something and they rejected it, saying it was a bad idea," Spencer says getting up.

"Getting him pissed off," I said.

"Okay. I want J.J to go to the media with this. Rossi, Morgan and I can handle the cops, Johnson and Reid can stay here and build on the profile a little more," Hotch says. We nodded and they all left.

"So what was you going to the bathroom twice this morning?" Spencer asked me. I bit my lip. He looks at me concerned. "What is it?"

"It is something I am not sure on, but once when I know more I'll tell you. You will be the first," I said. He nods. "Give me a minute." I took out my phone and called Garcia.

"Oracle of Quantico. Speak if you design to hear the truth," Garcia says as she picks up. I smiled at the lines she makes up when we call.

"Hey Garcia," I said. "I need you to do me a small favor."

"What is it chipmunk?" She asked me.

"Look up people in Reston who is a medical student, but also has a criminal record," I said.

"Sixty people girly," She says. 

"Hmm. Any that will react to rejection or when someone pissed them off," I said.

"Forty," She says.

"How many are men?" I asked her.

"Twenty," She says.

"Okay. Once when we have more information Garcia I'll call you back with it, but keep that list," I said.
"I will girly," She says. "Hey how are you and Spencer?" I smiled.

"We are fine, why?" I asked her.

"I am just wondering chipmunk," She says. "Anyway I will be expecting your call."

"Okay Garcia. See you later," I said. I hanged up and walked back in.

"How many?" Spencer asked me.

"Twenty, but I did tell her that I would call her back if we find anything else to shorten that list," I said. He nods.

*That night*

*Lilly's P.O.V*

We all got back to the hotel. We decided to stay in Reston, and not drive an hour back. Spencer and I were staying in a room together. I was lying on the bed and Spencer was lying next to me.

"I forgot to tell you. I was talking to Mary and she says hi and that she loves you," I said. He smiles and kisses me.

"I think that we should talk to her," He says. He gets up and pulls out the computer. We saw that Alicia was on Skype. Spencer clicked on her and decided to call. Soon she picked up.

"Hey Lilly and Spencer," She says smiling.

"Hi," Both Spencer and I said.

"Do you want to talk to Mary? I can go get her," Alicia says.

"Please," I said. She smiles and went off to get Mary. Not long they were back. Mary was sitting on Alicia's lap.

"Hi mommy, Hi daddy," Mary says.

"Hi Mary," Spencer says. "How are you?" 

"I am going good, now that I see both of you are okay. How are you daddy?" She asked him.

"Wonderful. Just so glad to see that you are okay," He says. Soon Mary looked at me.

"Mommy, why are you crying?" She asked me. I didn't even realized I was. I wiped the tears away.

"I am missing you," I said.

"Well don't cry. I am right now," She says. I chuckled.

"Yeah, you are," I said.


*Lilly's P.O.V*

After saying goodnight to Mary, Alicia ended the call to go tuck Mary in. We closed the computer. Soon Spencer lifted my chin.

"She's fine," Spencer says.

"Yeah. I just never imagine it would be this hard being away from her," I said.

"Well... I am missing her too. But I have you here to remind me of her," He says.

"Yeah, I guess I have you to remind me of her too," I said. He smiles and kissed me lightly.

"Go get ready," He says. I nodded. I grabbed one of his t-shirts and he smiles. I went into the bathroom, took off my clothes and put on his t-shirt. I also put my hair up in a bun. I brushed my teeth and walked out. I got out to where the bedroom is.

"Spencer?" I asked. I didn't see him anywhere and now I was getting worried. Soon someone picked me up and threw me over their shoulders.

"I got you," The voice said. I screamed and I knew it was Spencer. Soon he had me in a bridal style. He kissed me and laid me in the bed he came over and lied next to me.

"You scared me," I said lightly punching him. He pretended the hurted and I laughed.

"Ouch," He says. I smiled. He kissed me then turned off the lights. I cuddled into his chest as we wrapped her arms around me.

"Night Reiders," I said.

"Night cupcake," He says kissing my forehead. Soon I fell asleep.


"Happy is the man who finds a true friend, and far happier is he who finds that true friend in his wife

-Franz Schubert"


Okay for the record I am thinking on the short story for Mary, but I need to know if its a good idea or not. And that last part with Spencer and Lilly is what I want in a relationship. BTW you know when you have an amazing relationship when they tease you and all that. Anyway hope it was good.

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