•Chapter 2•

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I awoke late in the day, around 2 o'clock, I'd say. I woke up a lot earlier than anticipated since my night was filled with nightmares about losing Liam again, and only sleeping a few hours at a time.

Instead of getting out of bed, I flipped over onto the other side of the mattress. I took my phone out to check Twitter. While scrolling through I saw a few notifications that caught my eye:
@Graser10 started following you
@TYBZI started following you
@DevonDoesTweets started following you

Many other people from "The Cube" started following me, including Hbomb94. I know I shouldn't be focusing on it as much as I am, but here I am staring at his name, contemplating reality.

Of course I could stop stressing over who this Hbomb94 is, and instead talk to him; but that's the problem.

What if it is him? He probably wouldn't remember me, and if he did why would he talk to me? After what I said the last time I saw him he probably hates me for keeping such a secret for so many years. Or maybe he forgot about everything, and he would just be glad to be my friend again. But I would not be able to carry on like that, I either want him to be mine or not at all.

I clicked the follow button on @Parker_GamesMC Twitter account.

Parker_Games, the name "Parker" seems to be vaguely familiar to me. As if someone as important to me as my brother would've been named Parker, but after my ATV wreck, I can't seem to remember anyone before moving to Chicago.

After scrolling through Twitter for 20 minutes I get out of bed and get a late start on my day. I complete my morning routine an hour later, which I should really rename to my "getting up routine" because it never happens in the morning.

Next, I start up my computer. While waiting for it to load I shoot this "Hbomb94" character a DM, asking to record sometime today. I couldn't get this guy off of my mind until I knew for sure he wasn't my Liam.

My iPhone buzzed on the table next to me. I was going to ignore it because it was most likely a fan commenting on a tweet of mine, but instead I looked and found out it was a DM from that Parker guy I followed earlier.

Reluctantly I answered, and found out it was just him asking to record sometime today. I wasn't sure if I could record today, but I agreed because he seems all too familiar not to find out if I knew him. I'll just record with Graser at some absurd hour of the night, those recording always make for the best videos.

So, I told him "Yes, anytime works for me:-), here is my Skype and teamspeak: @randomusername94".

That's my Liam alright, he's the only loser I know who still uses the ":-)" smiley face with a nose.

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