Story info

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Story info

They are animatronics, yes. But they can get hurt, bleed, get bruised, etc.

1. Freddy is Golden Freddy's son.

2. Golden Freddy is Freddy's Father.

3. Nightmare Freddy, Phantom Freddy and SpringBonnie are brothers, with Golden Freddy as the eldest brother and most powerful out of all of them.

4. SpringBonnie is adopted.

5. Shadow Freddy and Freddy share a body, and can switch whenever they want, and do not fight with each other when doing so.

6. Golden found Spring alone, so he took him in and introduced him to the other two.

7. Golden found Spring before Freddy was born.

8. Golden Freddy's wife, Freddy's mum, passed away when Freddy was only two years old.

9. Freddy and Funtime Freddy are friends / brothers.

10. Golden Freddy is VERY protective, and can get VERY angry, if some unfortunate soul decided it was a good idea to hurt or make his brothers upset.

11. Shadow Freddy is also Golden Freddy's son, even though he was made of dark magic.

12. For me, I see Golden Freddy and SpringBonnie as brothers, because they were in the first pizzeria together, I do NOT ship them AT ALL, Fredbears Family Diner.

13. I have nicknames for these guys, Golden Freddy's nickname is Golden and Goldie for the Brothers, Shadow Freddy's nickname is Shadow or Shade, Shade being the name that Golden Freddy gave him, SpringBonnie's nickname is Spring, Funtime Freddy's nickname is Funtime or Boy, Boy being the nickname Golden Freddy calls him, and Freddy's nickname is Fred, for Funtime and Shadow Freddy only though.

13. Nightmare Freddy, Phantom and Spring don't know about Shadow yet.

14. Glamrock Freddy is just mentioned in this, and doesn't show up.

15. Funtime knows everything since he was an orphan and hung around Freddy so much he stayed at their house ever since he was a kid and now he's a full grown adult, so he knows everything the others know and they decided to adopt him into the family as Freddy's younger brother.

16. The siblings and Funtime Freddy see Golden Freddy as a father figure, and sometimes call Golden Freddy Dad or Pops.

17. Golden Freddy's father is not a good person.

18. Nightmare is Golden Freddy's father.

19. Golden Freddy's mother is nice.

Warnings/trigger warnings

Golden hurts Freddy, and rips his arm off.

Blood/Oil for animatronics.

"Speech" is when they are talking.

*thoughts* is when Freddy and Golden Freddy are thinking.

*thought* is when Shadow Freddy is thinking.

-Speech- Normal stuff is happening.

Spoilers read at your own risk.

Lines In the story that I want to apologize for.

1. "He could sense Shadow's magic and not his real son's magic." Please forgive me for saying that about Shadow, I didn't mean it.

2. Golden Freddy: *DID HE FORGET THAT I CAN HEAR HIM. I'M GOING TO KILL HIM* He was so angry at Freddy that he didn't know he thought about killing his own son. - So FORGIVE ME PLEASE I mean no harm to any of these guys... but Golden Freddy losing his temper and ripping off Freddy's arm.

3. Shadow Freddy "W-wha-at d-do yo-u Th-hin-k i-i've B-be-een T-tryi-ing-g t-to d-do!?!?" He yelled at Freddy, he didn't mean to be mean to him, but this is serious, and he needs to take control of the body to get away from Golden Freddy – I do not like it when they fight so they hardly fight in my stories.

Golden Freddy is overprotective and loves his family.Where stories live. Discover now