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I sighed as I shoved the money in the bag, Put my gun in my pocket  and bolted. I heard sirens so I figured it'd just be easier to run. With a smirk on my face I ran into a ally way. "Hahah- EKK! ...." I took my gun out . " its not polite to try and shoot people's feet you know? What a good impression that would make." I rolled my eyes, grinned and stood my ground.

I quickly looked at my surrounds. Brick walls....trash on the ground...and...cats..Damn it! " a..achoo! ..god Damn cats" I mumbled the last part "allergy season is it?" I could tell it was a boy now.... "smartass season is it? Now why don't you come out instead Of acting like your scared of a girl!" a boy walked out of the corner, he was about my age about a inch or two taller , he had blond hair and shaved lines...on each side of his head, He wore a.black pinstripe suit and tie with a hat....ha nerd. "Ha like I'd be scared of you , Lolita doll!" you pointed your gun at his chest "say it again I dare you baby-face!" " what the FUCK DID you just call me?" "what are you deaf?" "are you retarted" " it must be hard being that fucking  stupid" he pointed his gun at me "oh no it's almost like I don't have my own gun!" I smirked at my own comment and shot his foot but he jumped and made me miss "oh really?" he said then shot the gun outta my hand "oh no " I started as I pulled a sword out from my bag "oh well I guess this sword will do!" he rolled his eyes "a sword against a gun yeah right" I ran to him and held the sword to his neck and hit the gun outta his hand "dare to test that theory?" was all I said. He moved a bit closer and whispered " anytime" I felt myself shiver a bit . "OW!" he kneed me in the stomach which pushed me back eight feet or so. " You little fu-" u heard the sirens agian "see you could fight me and risk getting caught or  run and we can finish this another time" "now why the hell would I..." the sirens are closer. "Pick one dumbass" "god I hate you..," I mumbled and ran away...

fuyuhiko kuzuryu x readerHikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin