Chapter 21: Not My Baby

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"What do you mean I shouldn't be here? What happened?" I asked.

"You were in a car accident. You are severely hurt, your baby is dead." She said.

"What? I killed my baby?" I asked.

"Yes. Im so sorry." Emily said.

"Its okay, I wouldn't have been a good mother anyway. That baby deserved a loving family." I stated simply.

She just nodded. "I miss you so much, Em." I said.

"I'm with you everyday." She said and hugged me.

"This isn't actually happening is it?" I asked.

"No." She said shaking her head.

"What is happening?" I asked.

"You are dying." She said.

I gasped. "I don't want to die!" I screamed in horror.

"That's why you need to go back." She said.

"How?" I asked.

"I don't know. Somebody is trying to revive you but it isn't working. You are really beat up." Emily updated me.

I wasn't exactly sure where I was. It was dark and cold and it was just me and Emily.

Emily pointed behind me and I turned around and saw multiple ambulances and a police car. My car was flipped over and smashed. The truck looked to be pretty beat up too.

I gasped and ran over to the scene of the accident. I was laying on a stretcher with two paramedics attempting to save me. There was nothing I could do, I watched them rub the defibrillators together and then shock my dead body.

"I have a pulse!" One of the paramedics exclaimed.

"Okay get her to the hospital asap she's critical." Another one yelled. They lifted me into the ambulance and me and Emily followed them in.

"Emily, I want to say sorry, for not saving you." I said sadly.

"Stop it, theres nothing you could have done." She said shrugging it off. I was relieved.

"But I will never forgive myself if you do not go back. You cant be here. You deserve to live a long happy life and you cant end it here." Emily said.

"I don't know what to do!" I exclaimed.

"Yes! Yes you do!" She said. "Only you know."

"But I want to stay with you." I said.

"No, I am always with you watching over you, guiding you every step of the way. We will be together again another day." She said.

"I cant!" I yelled.

"Yes you can!" She yelled back.

We sat in silence and then there was a loud beeping noise. I was crashing.

"You are dying." Emily said again.

"I know im watching." I said motioning to the paramedics saving me again.

I crashed another 2 times before we made it to the hospital. I was rushed to surgery as soon as we made it and then all of a sudden I lost Emily. I was alone.


I didn't see Emily again. But I was so grateful for the time I had spent with her. When I woke up I was back in the hospital. I swear its like I live here. I had broken my arm and had a major head trauma. I apparently slammed my head on the steering wheel and lost a ton of blood. I had a list of other injuries that I had lost count of. I had to stay in the hospital for another week before being discharged. Lewis came to visit and I was glad to have a friend. My mom and David were here from the moment I woke up until the moment I left. They showed me pictures of their honeymoon and I was happy for them.

"Hey." Lewis said.

"Hey!" I said, my voice raspy.

"What even happened?" He asked.

"This truck just came out of no where!" I said jokingly.

"No, but really." he said.

"I got a phone call from Sammy. At the wrong time." I said.

"Damn!" He said. "How are you doing though?"

"Im swell." I said laughing. "How are you?"

"Clearly not as good as you!" He said chuckling.

"Yeah, this is as good as it gets." I said motioning to the gauze on my forehead and my arm.

He laughed and then asked "Has Sammy showed up?"

"No.." I said disappointed.

"Wow" He said stunned. "I thought.." He said trailing off.

"Me too Lewis, Me too."

Lewis stayed for multiple days, as he was my only friend and we talked about everything. I told him about the shooting and me seeing Emily. He was surprised and happy that I was finally reunited with my friend. He listened, he really did. He only interrupted to ask questions and when I was done he shared his thoughts and I expanded from there. He made me feel a lot better and not as lonely.

"Thank you for coming, it really means a lot." I said honestly.

"Of course!" He said.

When I was finally discharged the nurse came up to me and said "Here, you have mail!"

"Mail?" I asked.

She handed it to me and the address said L.A.

It was a get well card from Sammy and on the inside it said get well! and then Sammy's signature.

I almost screamed because he had the nerve to send me a card but not come see me. I almost died for god sakes. Really shows how much he cares.


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