The Lonely Wolf

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There once was a wolf and her name was Crystal and her family disowned her so she traveled by herself making it harder to stay warm and get food but for some odd reason she was always happy she always had a smile on her face others wolves thought she was crazy they wondered how could she still be smiling no one knew except her she cept smiling cause she knew there was some one who loved her different colored eyes her cute girly voice someone who loved her for who she was she was in the woods when she heard a type of cry and she ran to were she had heard the Cry's from there she saw a little boy who looked lost so she went up to him and he saw her and laughed and that's when she felt excepted for once she licked him on the check and he continued to laugh then he said "my name is Luke whats yours"she wrote Crystal in the dirt sloppily "oh Crystal you have a pretty name and your eyes are cool to" she licked him again as to say thanks then crystal nuzzled into his neck meaning she was sleepy he just giggled and lied down with her "goodnight crystal" she felt something warm on her forhead she knew he kissed her so she licked him on the check and the lived in the forest together with crystal protecting him from other wolves..........................................the lonely wolf was no longer lonely

                                                              The End

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