Planning to Meddle

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Author's Note: This is sorta of like a prequel to my Wrestlemania one-shot, taking place the same day as the event. This story starts out with Adam's thoughts going crazy and thinking about his ex girlfriend, Amy aka Lita, after he founds out that he is going to be in town. His heart still belongs to her but he won't admit it. What if someone sees that his heart is aching and decides to push them in the right direction with help of another? Rather if the two are ready or not... What will happen only time will tell..

Rating: T for language

Pairings: Amy/Adam with other couples mentioned..

This story is complete fiction everyone belongs to themselves or WWE.. sadly. Except Daisy.. and idea she is mine.

Adam's POV

Tonight was very important night not just for myself but for the entire company as a whole. In just a few hours, WWE would be celebrating 23 years of Wrestlemania. Creative has already read the script and told us the order of events for tonight, some still subject to change of course. As they read of one part of the script, one name that made me stop in my tracks. My heart felt like it was going to explode. Am I really ready to see her again? It has been a very long, five months since I have last seen her when she said goodbye for the final time. We went our separate ways and moved on. Well, she did but my heart won't let me love anyone else but her. Now for tonight only, she is returning for a small part. Should I try to talk to her again? What if she doesn't want to see me? Nah, I am The Rated R Superstar, of course she would want to see me. Right? I mean we really didn't have a bad breakup, it was mainly the storyline we were placed in. You see, an arrogant fuck by the name of Matt Hardy decided to make the affair public and well.. It caused the majority of the fans to turn against us. Vince decided to make our personal lives a storyline to make ratings go up. That greedy old man. We got called some mean shit but she got the worst of it. The redhead got called a slut, whore, a crack whore and well worst names that I will not say. She got tired of the insults and well she decided to retire. We broke up then because well I guess she wanted some space, I don't know. I guess I will have to wait and see if she talks to me. Or should I talk to her?

Damn it, I just need someone to talk to; I need to get the thoughts of her out of my head. Walking around the backstage area which was seemingly abandoned which was weird, I mean the meeting was just like an hour ago; I would have thought that some would have just stayed here. Normally, I would see at least crew members or someone roaming the hallways. I mean it is Wrestlemania, the biggest day of the year. Whatever, I just need someone to have a normal conversation with before the thoughts about my ex cause me to lose my sanity. Finally after what seemed like an eternity, I walked past the Diva's locker room and I heard what I thought was talking, finally a lifeform. Knocking before entering like a gentleman, I opened the door to see two of my favorite women in the world being all lovey dovey on the coach. The usual for these two lovebirds as the smaller brunette snuggled up in her lover's lap. Two chicks together.. that's every guys' dream right, am I right? Damn it Adam. You are trying to stop thinking about Amy stop having weird fantasies about her bestfriend and her bestie's girl. Bad, Adam, I mentally scolded myself. They both finally realized that someone else was in the room as they both looked up at me. "Hey Adam!" Spoke the preppy brunette as she repositioned herself in her girlfriend's lap.

"Hey Maria." I spoke to the woman. "I am surprised you two are here. It's like the ghost town out there."

"We decided to get an early pre-Wrestlemania workout before everyone comes back." Spoke the gothic woman.

"An early workout? Just the two of you, alone. I see...." I spoke with a big, stupid grin plastered on my face.

"You perverted man. Must you think that way about everything that we do together." Said the younger woman of the couple.

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