chapter 13:the first dungeon/corrupted shield:

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Hello how are you all doing I hope you're doing well Let's get into it.

(Third person POV)

: it had been a day and a half since the Raven guild had taken on and with the help of one new power that James accessed from nowhere defeated a creature garden an item they needed called nue and as well they discovered when leaving the chamber there was something else who's there supposedly a cursed object that should never be planted which confused most of that but James decided to keep it in the back of his mind to figure out what it could possibly be later and when they got back to Ravens hollow they did what they set out to do originally now having a better outfit for Filo that can actually stay on her without ripping any time she transformed and so for continued their travel and along the way they were traveling along a back road due to the other being damaged during the wave and as they traveled James noticed a group of the head and so they stopped realizing it was bandits and they surrounded and wagon as both James and Sarah got out standing in front of it James arms crossed as he had not took it off his hood and still had his face mask covering him so they couldn't see his face as the leader of this group walked up to James and with a cocky attitude draw a sword and said:

'well hello lovely traders now I'm sure you've gone through this before so we'll make it quick unload everything in the back of your wagon and hand it over to us and we won't hurt any of the pretty ladies you got here mister'

'... You have got to be the dumbest motherfuckers I have ever met so what was your plan stop the traders and caravans match the goods and make off before anyone would notice you see that would be a good plan if you actually won coverage your faces and two didn't try to rob the wrong person'

: James says this as he draws his short sword he has given the name Raven's talon and unclog himself revealing his identity as he punched the bandit leader with his shield sending him back as they all began backing up and were shaking in fear as James now standing over the bandit leader said:

'so here's the new plan you are going to give us everything you have that is worth something and leave just enough for you to survive to get to the nearest settlement and then anything you've collected you will sell and return that money to that g...

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'so here's the new plan you are going to give us everything you have that is worth something and leave just enough for you to survive to get to the nearest settlement and then anything you've collected you will sell and return that money to that good town that took you in and if you don't I'm going to do it personally hunt you down show you why I am known as the wolf kissed'

: after getting the ever living shit scared out of them I agree to his orders and did as they were told as James got back into the wagon as they continued his journey Sarah turning her head towards him and saying:

'you do realize that they will just keep doing what they were going to end up doing to us right'

'oh I know but the thing is now that they know if they do it again they'll know me after them so they'll have second thoughts about it because any praise should know not to mess with their natural predators'

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