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The early morning sun spilled across the fields, casting a golden light that danced over the dew-touched grass. Jason squinted into the light as he walked beside Grandpa Mark, his steps as steady as the rising sun.

“Alright, kiddo!” Mark announced, stopping at the training spot and turning to face him with a mischievous glint in his eye. “Today, we’re doing a different kind of training. None of the usual fancy element stuff—today’s about pure strength and stamina. Push-ups, jogging, and anything else that’ll test those muscles of yours.” He grinned, folding his arms.

Jason raised an eyebrow, “Really? Just that?”

“Oh, you’ll see soon enough.” Grandpa Mark chuckled. “Now, take off your shirt and give me one hundred push-ups! Let’s see what you’ve got.”

Jason sighed, taking off his shirt and lowered himself to the ground, stretching his arms and settling into position. As he began, his muscles tensed, and each push-up became a battle against the growing burn in his arms and chest.

“Keep your back straight!” Mark barked with a grin, walking around him like a drill sergeant. “And pick up the pace!”

Jason gritted his teeth, trying to block out his grandfather’s voice as he pushed through each repetition.

By the time he reached fifty, his arms felt like lead, and his breath came in gasps. He glanced up, catching his grandfather’s approving nod.

“Good, good! Just halfway there.” Mark said, giving him an encouraging slap on the shoulder. “You’re doing great, but remember, the only thing between you and that hundredth push-up is your own mind!”

Jason exhaled, focusing inward, pushing past the ache and fatigue. His arms shook, but he kept going, every muscle screaming for him to stop. Finally, as he lowered himself down and pushed up for the hundredth time, he collapsed onto the ground, panting and drenched in sweat.

Jason continued to do more exercises, strengthening his body for hours till noon arrives. He sat on the ground, his chest heaving as he tried to catch his breath. “Grandpa…” he panted, wiping the sweat from his brow. “Why… am I… doing this again?”

Grandpa Mark chuckled, watching his grandson with that familiar twinkle in his eye. “I’m putting you in shape, my boy. The kind of shape that’s going to make the difference.”

Jason groaned, leaning back against the cool earth. “But why? I already have… godlike powers.” He glanced at his grandfather, brow furrowing. “Does my physique even matter?”

Mark walked over, resting a calloused hand on Jason’s shoulder as he looked down at him thoughtfully. “It matters more than you might think, Jason. Possessing an elementiel doesn’t just grant you immense power, it also amplifies the power you have already.”

Jason looked up, puzzled. “Amplifies? What do you mean?”

Mark sat beside him as he explained. “Think of it this way: A baby with the power of a fire elementiel, is weaker than an adult with that same power. A baby is obviously weaker than an adult, even with the additional power that the elementiel provides.”

Jason nods his head slowly. “So… it’s like the elementiel’s power just adds to the strength I already have?”

“In simple terms, yes.” Mark gave him a warm, approving smile. “You’ve got to be able to hold your own, Jason. All this training, the sweat, the bruises—it’s what’s going to make you strong enough to harness every bit of your power.”

Jason groaned but stood, a small grin breaking through his exhaustion. “Alright. But, Grandpa, I’ve been meaning to ask—why can I control lightning when I’m the fire elementiel?”

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