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On September 8th a year ago, Markus Evans was sentenced to life in prison for the murder of 3 people.

There weren't many brutal crimes ever recorded in Crestwood, so obviously this whole case took a dark turn for our not-so-small town. Some would call it completely unexpected, others wouldn't be surprised.

I was one of those people.

I mean, lets be serious for once, our town never got some kind of good story to tell to the public, and this case really put off people's views of Crestwood.

Sometimes I would wonder if Markus ever felt guilt when he murdered those 3 people. Or did he regret any of it? The chances of committing a crime and getting caught are incredibly high. Yet it's not impossible.

After being assigned to defend him, which I chose to do, I immediately knew that Markus never had a good story for his crimes. He wasn't good enough to hide it, to try get away with it, almost as if he wanted to get caught. There are studies shown that psychopathic minds will crave the thought of getting caught and revealed to the public. I mean, who wouldn't want to take credit for being the talk of the town?

I still remember that day clearly, the day I failed to save Markus Evans, and got him a sentence of life in prison. Or to be exact, 65 years. Which is definitely longer than the average life expectancy. I still remember the way the creases of his forehead dented even more, the sound of the judge hammering the gavel onto the hardwood, the noise echoing through the court room and breaking the built up silence. Like a bone snapping. The buzz of the media filling the air, and the police escorting Evans out of the court room, avoiding the cameras.

His eyes locked with mine from where he was walking away to, those blue eyes not revealing any sort of pleading or guilt. I knew that look, I've seen it before.

It was a look of revenge. Hunger to get back at me. It wasn't my fault, I tried my best.

I didn't know what to expect, or what he expected either. He dragged it on for too long before completely letting himself get caught red handed. No matter how long you've lied about something, the truth always comes out.

If your not a smart liar, of course.

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