10: Fog'd In

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Xander strolls up to Gwen's cabin, whistling cheerfully after his heartfelt conversation with Emma

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Xander strolls up to Gwen's cabin, whistling cheerfully after his heartfelt conversation with Emma. Suddenly, he stops in his tracks as he sees Emma duct-taped to the cabin wall, with Gwen gleefully launching water balloons at her.

Xander eyes wide, struggling not to laugh. "Uh... should I even ask what's going on here?"

Emma annoyed, struggling against the duct tape. "Gwen decided to turn me into a target because I told her we needed to talk about... you know... the tidal wave incident."

Gwen laughing as she lines up another water balloon. "It's called therapy, Emma. I'm helping you get over it by making you "face the wave."

Emma rolled her eyes. "You're not supposed to make the wave out of water balloons!"

"Hey, I'm doing my best with the supplies I've got. Besides, it's totally working!" She throws another water balloon, splashing Emma.

Xander trying not to laugh too hard. "Okay, well, I'm not sure that's exactly how water therapy works... but I appreciate the creativity."

Emma exasperated. "Xander, can you please help me out of this tape? I swear, I'm gonna turn into a raisin with all this water!"

"Sure thing."He starts peeling the tape off of her carefully. "But, Emma, come on – a little fun can't hurt. You gotta admit, it's kind of hilarious."

Emma reluctantly grins. "Fine, maybe it's a little funny... but Gwen, next time, a heads-up would be nice!"

"Where's the fun in that?" She tosses another water balloon, but this time, it splashes Xander. "Oops. Guess you got caught in the tidal wave too, Xander."

Xander laughing and wiping water off his face. "All right, all right! I guess I deserved that." He turns to Emma. "See? We're all in it together now."

"Fine. But if we're doing "therapy," I'm getting the next round of water balloons." Emma sighs.

They all laugh, with Gwen grabbing a few more balloons to hand over to Emma, who grins as she takes aim at Xander. The three of them launch into an all-out water balloon fight, embracing the chaos and fun as a new wave of laughter echoes through the camp.

Gwen was bored because Luke was sleeping, and Asher and Sage were nowhere to be found. April was somewhere with Zuri, and she had no one else she could find. Gwen sighed while sitting with Ravi and Tiffany.

Ravi pointing at the horizon, where the dense fog is rolling in. "Tiffany, local meteorologists are calling this fog's condensation density unprecedented! It's like someone turned off the world and hit pause."

Tiffany gazing out at the mist, a grin spreading across her face. "I know! This is the most exciting thing to happen at camp since the bathroom stalls finally got doors! You remember the look on everyone's face when that happened, right?"

𝐀𝐍𝐆𝐄𝐋, LUKE ROSSWhere stories live. Discover now