Chapter 18: Surprises

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The pixie musicians again increased the tempo, the rapid music echoing over the water. The boys' faces grew serious as they concentrated on their steps, their initial clumsiness turning to a surprising grace.

The first glint of moonlight sparkled on the water. Ellagar let out a relieved sigh as both boys reached the far shore, and the next challenge began.

Thelara leaned in close. "We did well in teaching them." Ellagar felt a warm flush in her scales as she thought back to earlier in the day when they had worked alongside the boys. Thelara's movements fell into a mirror of her own, silent communication passing between them. Ellagar recalled losing herself in Thelara's rhythm as they moved together in effortless synchronicity. And then Verak's mischievous voice had broken the spell as he called, "You two should dance more often..."

Ellagar felt Thelara's warmth lending her calmness as the next trial began: the Path of Resilience. The pixies had set up a series of swamp-based obstacles, deadfalls, pits, and traps. The boys would need to navigate their way across in the darkness, the only light from a rising moon. 

She recalled how they had worked on their skills under Thelara's expert guidance.

"We're going to work on your ability to sense stability and resilience," Thelara explained, her voice calm yet urgent. "This is crucial for navigating the treacherous terrain during the trial. We don't have much time, so we must be quick and focused."

Thelara continued, "You'll need to learn to trust your other senses and each other. To start, we're going to have lunch on the move, but there's a twist."

Verak raised an eyebrow in curiosity. "A twist?"

Ellagar smiled. "Yes. You'll be blindfolded and will need to rely on your other senses. You'll have to feed each other without seeing, using your sense of touch and your connection to the land."

The boys had been skeptical but agreed. Thelara covered their eyes and described to the younglings how the world is not just what we see but also the sounds, smells, and touch. It is the flow of energy between each thing. "Feel the world seep into your being."

"Now, Verak, Ardvek, you'll take turns feeding each other. Trust your hands and your instincts."

Verak reached out, his fingers brushing against Ardvek's arm. He carefully navigated the space between them, finding the piece of bread Thelara had given him. His fingers trembled slightly as he brought the food to his brother's mouth, making sure not to miss.

"See? Easy. Now start moving and do it!"

Ellagar snapped back to watch the boys as they prepared to begin the real course. The rising moon added a silvery glow to the swamp, showing the boys as shadows. Thelara called, "Listen to the land; feel the vibrations through your feet; sense the stability beneath you."

Verak and Ardvek stood still, pausing and focusing on the sensations around them. She could almost see how they felt the slight give of the ground, the solidity of nearby rocks, and the rustle of leaves in the wind. The moon rose higher, and the faint rays reflected off the wet earth. Then they began.

Ardvek moved with surprising confidence. He felt the energy of the land and called warnings to Verak. The boys laughed as they fumbled and occasionally missed, their lighthearted banter a contrast to the deadly tension Ellagar felt. One false step could mean death. She listened to the scuff of their leather soles as they leapt on rocks and logs.

She watched, breath held, as the boys took cautious steps, feeling stability through their feet and the guidance of their hands. Even from this distance, she could smell the wet mud and decaying vegetation of the course. They stumbled and tripped over hidden roots hidden under fallen leaves, but each time the boys rose they moved more aware and more connected.

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