Ally woke up to complete and utter darkness. She lay down on her stomach, the rubble pressing against her back. She couldn't feel her arms or legs. Her face stung from the glass coming from her completely shattered glasses. She could hear hurried footsteps rushing towards her. A walkie talkie fell from an opening. "Ally, it's Tess. Are you awake? Can you hear me?" she asked through the walkie talkie. "'s so dark...I don't like the dark..." said Ally, her voice weak and trembling.
"I know, but the rescuers are gonna be here soon, I'm just here to calm you down." said Tess. "I can't move..." said Ally. "Just hang on, they're almost there." said Tess. The rescuers arrived after several tense minutes, during which time Tess struggled to keep Ally awake. Ally was rushed to the hospital as soon as she was pulled out.
Hunter walked up to Tess and wrapped his arms around her. "You did your best." he said. "But what if my best wasn't enough? What if Ally doesn't make it?" asked Tess. "Try not to think about it too much, just focus on the positives." said Hunter. "What positives are there? Almost every bone in Ally's body is broken! I...I'm worried about her..." said Tess. "I am too." said Hunter. Hunter and Tess visited Ally later in the hospital. "She's almost completely paralyzed, she'll need to go through loads of physical therapy." said a doctor.