how they flirts

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Meliodas- touches you a lot and is a pervert ad usual

Zeldris- tries to compliment you. He really tries....

Ban- teases you or says he's gonna steal you

King- makes a new outfit for you

Gowther- tries to act like a character you like from a book

Diane- automatically thinks you're dating and gets jealous when you talk to other girls

Elizabeth- does anything you ask of her and always asks if she can help you with anything

Escenor- makes poems to you

Merlin- changes herself to be like what she thinks you would prefer her (like she made herself look older dor Meliodas)

Gilthunder- swears to protect you any what

Gloxinia- jokes a lot and tries to make you laugh

Monspeet- he is clingy and wery protective of you

Derieri- she doesn't flirt. But if she wants you, you won't have a choice

Tristan- jokes a lot, but gets kinda awkward because you don't get the jokes

Lancelot- he is less annoyed with you then with others

Nasiens- tries to spend more time with you, even if he just asks you to be his guineapig

Should I add any more characters?

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