announcement :because of typhoon pepito

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Uhmm I just wanted to say this in advance cause I might not be able to upload the others chapters since there's a super typhoon coming in and our electricity and internet might be cut off , you know blown away hehe🥲 but I would do my best to write the other chapters that will come and I think when our electricity and internet came back I could regularly publish it

Please pray for the Philippines there are a lot of typhoons that hit us and some are still not recovering from other typhoons Please pray especially for bicol and other parts of the Philippines since typhoon Pepito isn't a joke and we're at signal no.3 and not soon signal no.5 so please pray

And I hope our internet and our electricity wouldn't get brown away 😭 I can't live without it
Ugh hehe I sounds dramatic right now

Anyways thanks please be safe everyone

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 15, 2024 ⏰

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