June 2022
Hey guys this is me , nims aka nimra , i was born on the August of 2006 I have two elder sisters and one elder brother honestly don't you think i was a bymistake case .
My elder sister , Haifa is a literal freak lady she freaks out about everything minor inconvenience .She's morning person interacts with family when only needed mostly striving hard to not depend on a man but little does she know that umm Islam is about depending on a man financially also she's a doctor in process so men out you know . Then it's my brother he is barely a human 0 communication when opens his mouth you don't know if he is being sarcastic or actually talking . The other day he said that the bottle looked gay like bro , i think deep down he regretted cause also my dad's eyeballs came out when he said that on the dining table . Bro forgot to switch off the friend mode . Sometimes i really question if me and my brother where from the same womb cause he literally sleeps with a dark red bed light . Is he like an illuminati does he not get scared . I think he was from the garbage not me or maybe he was adopted . Coming to my other sister she is um literal spendthrift like she will be the reason our generational wealth wont continue. Who gets a Stanley bottle for 11k when you can drink from bottle mom got from sale . We find her sort of unreasonable like the other day she chopped her bangs and was crying she burned the bed through her scented candle ones .
Hey I forgot to introduce myself I am nimra I turned 18 this year I love reading , photography and most important trying to find a purpose. I have a secret I like my cousin brother I know like babies from cousins cousins are abnormal but I don't plan on marrying him . I Need to hesitate , but honestly no one's going to read this .God it's so hard to avoid him . The other day on Eid I made coffee for him he said it was the best coffee he had . I can't wait to see him again .
The worst part is Raiza always keeps fighting with him and he avoids her and complains about her to me . Like one day he called him her a witch after a fight .
Like they faught because he was using the WiFi of our house while he was in our house and she bashed at him cause her internet was not at the usual speed . I think she had periods , or like she just needs drama all the time . He was so done that he came in my room and I was doing the most sane thing like sitting on my bed and watching yt . I was so glad that I could console him that day . He said I was the most sorted person in this family . The whole night I was thinking if he likes me but he his actions and words don't match Like he said I'm sorted but while going out of my room he patted my head like I was a puppyJuly 2022
I was reading this diary and it's literally a yap about my cousin . Im disgusted you're not suppose to crush on your cousinsNovember 2022
So like we had family discussion the other day I mean I'm pretty sure if I wasn't there it would still make no difference . My sister is 27 this year and she needs to get married , my parents have been freaking out that she wont find anyone when she 30 and she needs settle down and they more 3 kids to get married . Offcourse my sister doesn't have a boyfriend and such people are to be get arranged marriage
Comment down below if you think love or arrange marriage is good
She got a rishta ( I mean offc she's a doc and shes grog ).The dude looks happy and content like who is not happy and content before marriage . The first time I saw him I generated baby out of my sister and him in my head . Good looking babies . My sister had no expression just like how my brother doesn't have always . So that means she likes the man . Raiza went like ummmm ummm I don't know like has she seen the dudes she dates they look like drug dealersJanuary 203
My sister said yes to marry him . I'm sure they met a couple of times cause the bouquets and dressing up .