Cassidy Parker (Cassy)
18 years old
Height: 165cm
Weight: 45kg
Hobby: Sleeping
Crush: 'Coffee'
Can't live longer☆APPEARANCE☆
*White hair
*turqoise crop top
*blue baggy pantsAllison Rosewood (Alice)
18 years old
Height : 158cm
Weight: 40kg
Hobby: Dress up/Photography
Crush: None
Knew her bsf can't live longer☆APPEARANCE☆
*Pink hair
*Black and white dress
*yellow ribbonLucas Clifford
21 years old
Height: 167cm
Hobby: Journaling
Likes: working
Too hot to be single ;)☆APPEARANCE☆
*brown hair
*emerald green top
*light brown apron
*black pants☆SIDE CHARACTERS☆
Abigail Rosewood (Abbie)
-Alice's Older SisterJulia Windlow
-Waiter and Cassy's neighbourClarissa Parker
-Cassy's Older sisterChapter 2:
Lyra Clifford
-Lucas's older sisterLaura Clifford
-Lucas's younger sister
Cassy's Crush!
Romance"He looks so fine!! OMGEE!!!!" Cassidy Parker (Cassy) - A 18 year old girl who's fallen in love with Lucas, a cashier she met at a coffee shop after school. With her bestfriend Alice's help, will Cassy ever get his heart and confess her love to him...