Relationship Building

710 14 3

(Italic is thoughts)

"SPIKE" I yelled as my voice echoed the castle.
"Right here twilight" spike said suddenly appearing with a flash.
"I'm going to sweet Apple acers, take care of owlalicious for me"
"Okay bye" spike said excited doing his duties
I flew in the sky, shaking a bit scared I might fall.
I crashed in my parking in the dirt, face first, right infront of applejack
"Heyyyy applejack, heheh" I said kinda embarrassed in my landing
"Hey sugar cube I was bout' coming to ya"
"Why" I asked cunfused
"I needed to talk to ya...sugarcube."
"What's on your mind aj?"
"Tah be honest with ya..We don't know' much bout' each otha'" she said mighty seriously
"What are you saying?" I said with a sad look on my face
"Em sayin' we should go to dinner together to get to know each otha' "
Is it a date? What should I wear
What am I feeling? It's strange...
Don't panic twilight DON'T PANIC

"Sure aj..what time and where?

" at rarity's 9pm" the orange horse replied
"Does it have to be that late?" I asked kinda curiously
"shoot I wanted it earlier but I got jobs to do' cya there sugar cube!"

There's the weird feeling again! I thought with a cringed look on my face. I ran to the boutique "rarity!" I shouted and the pretty purple maned unicorn trotted down the stairs "what ever is the matter darling!" She looked at me worringly "I need to ask you about-" the unicorn interrupted me before I can finish my sentence "your dinner? Ask away my dear~"

"Well is it just friend dinner or a like non friend dinner?"
"Well either way you need to look lovely!, I already made applejack look nice for tonight now you need to look GORGOUS!" "Wait how did-" she put clothes on me before I can finish.
"You look SO GORGOUS!" She squeled
"I don't know about this.." "Shall not complain my dear now go have fun!"

The Twijack Plan |Twijack,raridash and flutterpie|Where stories live. Discover now