Oops! This image does not follow our content guidelines. To continue publishing, please remove it or upload a different image. Name: Silk Duster
Personality: Nervous, Shy, kinda depressed, cheerful, energetic asf, sassy, mean and rude sometimes, Mischievous, smart, gets mad easily, anger issues, scaredy cat, friendly, kind, extremely naive, silly, goofy, a goober, lazy, polite
Works for: Steve Cobs, Meeple
Sexuality: Bi
Gender: male
Pronouns: He/Him
Works on: Ensuring product quality and price (he sucks at it but still works for Meeple)
Friend of: Ballpoint Pen, Silver Fork, Silver Spoon, Mephone4, Lightbulb, Fan and Steve Cobs.
Scared of: mostly everything but specially dust and cats.
-Y'all can do FanArts btw

🩸OSC-ArtBook 1🩸
RandomModify! Modify whatever, Modify! Modify and sever, Modify! May nothing get rejected, may nothing get infected!! ♡