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Okay so we don't rlly have an actress in this but the picture above is it so yaa.

This is only part one.


Luke came into the room with a look of lust in his eyes. "Baby girl, I want to do something naughty to you."

I stared at him in confusion and asked, "What exactly do you want to do?" He chuckled at my naivness and began to walk towards me.

"You know exactly what I want. Now strip," he ordered. My eyes widened at his comment, but I didn't waste any time. I took off my jeans quickly and was now in the process of peeling off my top. as I was doing so, he grabbed my wrists and stopped me.

"Wait, I want to make this all about you now. Just sit down and relax."

I nodded and sat down onto the bed. He reached over and peeled off my top and unclipped my bra. As he was pulling down my tighty-whities, he spoke. "What do you want baby girl?"

"Give me the Hemming Special Luke."

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