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a/n you guys might laugh


"Give me the Hemming Special, Luke."

"As you wish, baby girl," he chuckled sinisterly, "Should I hemmer you agains the wall?"

I nodded eagerly and said, "I want you to hemmer against every inanimate object in the room."

"How about the lamp?" he asked. I moaned "yes" and he pushed me onto the bed and grabbed the lamp from my nightstand.

"Sit up baby girl," he ordered. I did as I was told and he placed the lamp underneath me. When he did this I laid back down and he positioned himself above me. "Luke, this is kinda uncomfortable."

"It's okay, the pleasure will make up for it," he mumbled. I nodded and he thrusted into me hard. He kept thrusting into me with a faster pace while my back was aching of pain. But, he was right. The pleasure was overwhelming that it took my mind off of my back. I thrusted my hips upward to meet his.

"FUCK." he moaned.

Suddenly we heard a crash and I felt a sharp pain on my back.

"Shit babygirl, we broke the lamp."

I lifted my head and looked down at the bed to see broken glass and my blood.

"Let's find something else to hemmer you against."


a/n from the authors: we were laughing and it was hard to write this okay bye.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 21, 2015 ⏰

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