1. You said you'd stay, i said i'd wait.

36 1 1

"MAYBE WE'RE JUST HAVING TOO MUCH FUN! MAYBE YOU CANT HANDLE YOUR SELF STARING AT ME WITH YOU LIPS AND TOU-" my alarm clock was cut off as I hit it as hard as I could with my hand to make it shut up.
I yanked the bed sheets of my body and streched. Great its Monday, time for hell aka school.
I walked over to my dresser and pulled out some underwear and a bra, a cut of sleeve black T-shirt that said Rock n Roll, black skinny jeans and my black leather jacket to go with it. I went to my desk and brushed my brown shoulder length hair to make it look half decent and put on my daily make up. I brush my teeth and make my way downstairs. I see my younger brother lying down on the sofa on his phone probably texting his friends so I decided to sneak up on him as he hasn't seen me yet.
I crouched down and crawled to the sofa.
"HEY GRAYSON!" I yelled in his ear.
He screamed and fell on the floor face first dropping his phone on the way down.
I burst out laughing at the sight and because I was laughing so hard I fell right on the floor next to him.
"God damnit Taylor" Grayson groaned as he got up "You scared the shit out of me"
"That was the point knobhead" I said after my laughter died down a bit "Where's Ethan?" I question the dark haired boy
"I'm right here" Ethan said as he put his bag down next to mine and sat down on the sofa next to Grayson. Ethan and Grayson are twins and are 16. There's only a years age gap between us as I'm 17. Mom and dad thought it would make us closer if there was a small age gap and they were right, me and the twins were really close and I could tell them anything and they could tell me anything.
"Grayson are you driving?" I asked as I walked into the kitchen.
"Yea sure"
"Ok let me grab some food and put my shoes on then we'll go"
I grabbed a banana from the fruit bowl and then ran back into the living room to get my black boots. I tied up the laces and grabbed my black Vans bag and I was ready.
"Come along then boys its time to go to school"
Ethan groaned but hopped into Grayson's white land rover and did up his seatbelt.
"I pick the song choices!" I yell as I grabbed the basket which contained all mine and the boys favourite albums init. I picked up Pierce the Veils collide with the sky album and put it in the music player. Vic Fuentes's beautiful voice instantly fills my ears as we drove off to school.

I forgot to introduce myself. Hi I'm Taylor Jardine, I'm 17 years old born on march 7, I'm single and I live in Sydney Australia. I have brown hair which has blond dip dye in at the ends. I have 2 younger brothers who you have already met and I also have an older brother called Austin who lives in America so we don't see him much.

We pulled up in the school parking lot about 10 minuets later and we still had 25 minuets until we have to be in homeroom.
"Ok me and Grayson are gonna go over to our group" Ethan says as we step out of the car.
"Ok I'll see you later"
"You need a lift back Tay"Grayson shouts
"I'll text you if I do" I shouted back
And with that I walked into the schools main entrece and walked up stairs to the library.
"Cal" I shouted as I tackled him with a hug
"Hi there Taylor"He smiles at me
Calum was my best friend. We met when we were in year 6 when he had just moved from New Zealand and we became friends because we both liked pizza.
"You ready for the first day back" Cal asks when we finally pull away from our hug.
"Err kind of" I say. Last year was a terrible year for me. I don't really like talking about it and no one else other then calum knows about what happend.
"You'll be fine I promise" He smiles and pulls me in for another hug.
"Thank Cal" I whisper into his chest
"It's ok, now we better get going we have 5 minuets to get homeroom"
"Shit my homeroom is on the other side of school damnit I'm late on the first day bye Cal see you whenever!" I shouted as I was running to get to homeroom
"See ya"

I burst through the class room doors and instantly all eyes were on me.
I rolled my eyes "Get back to what you doing then don't just stare at me you dickheads"I glared at them and they did as I told them to.
"Care to share with us on why your late miss jardine?" Mr Jones my form teacher asked looking at me over his glasses.
"I had people to see"I say as I look around for an empty seat. I quickly find a desk at the back of the room with no one sitting there and sat down, putting my bag on the chair next to mine.
" If it happenes again miss jardine you know what'll happen" he says with a stern voice
"Yep, lunch detention in room 53" I say pulling out my phone, plugging the earphones in and put my music on to shuffle play.

After about 5 minuets of listening to Mayday Parade I felt the chair next to me being pushed back and a tall blond boy standing there blushing, waiting for me to take a the bag off the chair. I grabbed my bad and placed it infrount of me. The boy sat down.
I felt a tap on my shoulder. I pulled out my right earphone "what" I said pretty rudley but oh well.
"Hi I'm Luke Hemmings" He smiled
"Yea I don't care" I put my earphone back into my ear expecting him to shut up and leave me alone but that's not what happened.
He tapped my shoulder again.
"What!"I whisper yelled
"What's your name"He asked with the same bright smile on his face.
" Taylor now can you please please please leave me alone" I asked as nice as possible
"Ok nice to meet you Taylor" he said as the bell rang signalling it was time for 1st period.He left the room.
Well he was..... Friendly?

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 20, 2015 ⏰

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