The rain of love

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Finally the rain of love came back between us
You didn't care what they said
But I felt that doubt lingered in you
As if you thought to hide from me the fall that was coming
When you realized that we had too strong a connection
And now that you realize it?

It was a night when the rain was falling heavily on the ground
The drops covered my already wet hair
That's when our eyes met
I know I talk about you in my songs
Music heals and love is destructive
So change the chorus because betrayal is never far away
I could tell you many things for hours
They'll tell you nice words while pretending to be intelligent

Is it really true what they think?
Or have they just been lying to you all along?
How can I feel safe around you id my enemies are with you?
Because you think I'll like them after all they said about us?
He said how do you get with her
He said you know she's seeing other people
He said she's manipulating you to get your attention
He said she wants to go out with her friends
He said some crazy things, didn't he?

Finally the rain of love came back between us
You didn't care what they said
But I felt that doubt lingered in you
As if you thought to hide from me the fall that was coming
When you realized that we had too strong a connection
And now that you realize it?

What do you plan to do once our hands are no longer held
That the rope was cut when you made your decision
I have no control over how you feel
How do you expect me to prepare for another fall

When I thought you were telling me the truth
It's hard to reconnect with the bonds we forged in the past
The thread was thinning before my eyes without me being able to stop it
Why did you cut it by embalming me with false words?
Did I really deserve this when I gave you a chance?

Finally the rain of love came back between us
You didn't care what they said
But I felt that doubt lingered in you
As if you thought to hide from me the fall that was coming
When you realized that we had too strong a connection
And now that you realize it?

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