Awaiting Trial

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"While you're awaiting trial, you wait here." The warden said, throwing Reed onto the ground."I swear, it wasn't me!" Reed shouted. "Sure, that's what they all say." The warden said before locking the cell and walking away. "WAIT! WAIT!" Reed shouted, slamming himself into the cell bars. "So, what're you in here for?" His cell mate asked. He was on top of the bunkbed. He was bald, black, had tattoos on his face, and looked mentally insecure. "Alleged I.D. forgery, alleged murder, alleged rape, and allegedly retaliating arrest." Reed said. "But I swear, I didn't do it!" He added. "What's your name?" His cell mate asked. "Reed. Matt Reed." Reed said. "I'm Richard Stark, but I got into gangs, and now people call me Bunny." Bunny said. "Cute name." Reed replied jokingly. "I got it from dissecting bunnies and ripping off their ears. That's how I got in here. Animal cruelty." Bunny said. "...oh!" Reed said. "I'm being framed as Bundy." He added. "DAMN! Bundy? The whitey who escaped from a courtroom window?" Bunny asked. Reed sighed and nodded. "You look nothing like him!" Bunny added. "The officer said I did. It's crazy." Reed said. "Well, wish you luck!" Bunny said.

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