Little age is the age you are when you regress. Me for example. 2-6 years old.
1 year old:
-uses diapers-still uses a bottle
-may eat soft foods
-may learn to talk a little
-uses pacifier
plays with basic toys (teethers, blocks, etc.)
-crawls more than they walk
-usually uses some sort of pacifier
-may get fussy easily
2 year old:
-talks a bit more than a 1 year old
-can use a bottle still, but usually starts using a sippy cup
-uses a pacifier occasionally
-starts to potty train
-puts everything in their mouth that they can get their hands on
-usually needs more supervision since they can do more
-more playful
-still uses basic toys but has more interest in things like cartoons
-starts to walk/waddle more than crawl
-carries around a comfort item (stuffies, blankets, etc.)
3 year old:
-a lot more verbal, can form somewhat of a sentence
-usually potty trained but will probably
uses pull-ups at night
-uses sippy cups
-usually more interested in eating things like mac and cheese, nuggets, etc.
-starts to stop using basic toys, more interested in watching TV or playing games like hide and seek, tag, etc.
-requires lots of supervision
4 year old:
-Should be able to speak more clearly in more complex sentences
-Potty trained
-Still uses sippy cups, if CG trusts them then they can probably use a straw
-Probably pretty interested in TV and video games
-Probably pretty interested in TV and video games
-Easily bored but entertained and gets energetic easily
-More than likely likes or enjoys car rides
-Interested in more visual trips (zoos, aquariums, etc.)
-Get ready for tantrums
5 years old:
-Likely enjoys things like dressing up, playing pretend, tea parties, etc.
-More intersted in "bigger kid" shows and Disney movies
-Again, uses sippy cups and straws, might start using cups-two hands
-Probably a picky eater
-Probably enjoys art
-Most likely learning how to read and write
-Will probably stop needing/taking
-will still need to require a little supervision
-more TV time
-some may like to read
-will probably start watching more mature shows so keep an eye on what they watch
-they can have soda
-very hyper
-requires less supervision
(I don't have a lot for this one🥲)