Chapter 1.

32 10 5

Ava Miller👆🏻


'Excuse me, will you please take a picture of us?'

I looked up to see a young girl standing in front of me, holding out her pink iPhone. A couple of her friends were standing nearby, all holding the latest Zach Young single.

'Sure I will.'

I snapped a few pictures of them while they all struck different poses. I handed the girl back her phone and she smiled. 'Thank you,' she said, looking through the pictures.

'You're welcome,' I replied with a smile. Things like this annoyed me because it reminded me of how unsuccessful we were.

I looked over and saw Cody waiting impatiently by the doors. 'Come on let's go to Starbucks,' he said pulling me along with him. 

We got into the car just as Zach Young's new song was playing on the stereo. The two of us sang along at the top of our lungs.

"I'm too good to you, I'm way too good to you. You take my love for granted, I just don't understand it."

When the song was over we rolled back up the windows and turned down the stereo.

'He had it easy,' I said with a sigh. 'Straight out of high school and got his first record deal and now he's on tour.'

Cody nodded in agreement. "You're telling me."

We walked into Starbucks and Cody ordered our drinks while I went to the bathroom.

I walked out of the bathroom stall to see two girls poring over an E! News article. 

As I was washing my hands, I couldn't help but overhear their conversation.

''It says she cheated on him!'' Exclaimed the first girl, a tall blonde girl. '

"No way,'' replied her friend, ''you'd have to be crazy to cheat on Zach Young.''

I rolled my eyes as I stuck my hands under the dryer. Seems like I couldn't go anywhere without hearing about this kid.

I walked back and found Cody sitting at a table for two with our drinks. 

Gratefully I accepted mine. I took a sip and glanced at the name written on the back of it.

''Cody, what the hell?'' I asked, busting out in laughter. I picked up his coffee from the table. ''Archie and Betty? Really those are the names you came up with?''

Cody shrugged. ''I was watching the new episode of Riverdale before we came here. The names got stuck in my head.''

I laughed again. Cody did this every time we came to Starbucks. He thought of the most ridiculous names and loved to watch the poor barista's struggle to spell them.

I had barely taken two sips of my iced caramel macchiato  when my phone rang. I looked down at the caller ID. It was Ross.

'Ava, you and Cody better get your asses back here to Jacksons house, right now!' he said excitedly.

I held the phone away from my ear, wincing slightly. ''Jesus Ross, do you have to be so loud?''

''Did you even hear what I said?'' He asked impatiently.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 21, 2017 ⏰

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