chapter 6

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Hazel's POV  

After an hour of shopping I had everything I needed, I also got Hayes a little surprise when he got crowded again by girls, I decided to have a look at a candy shop while he was signing some girl's head and taking pictures with her, I picked him up an extra, extra large pack of M&M's and skittles. As I turned round I saw Hayes walking over so I quickly shoved the packs in my bag so he couldn't see them, as I left the shop, he started to pout and said "You didn't get any candy", I smiled and said "well I only have enough money for ice cream and remember that Nash also wants an ice cream to", he nodded and said "okay, lets get some ice cream", we both smiled at each other and started to make our way to the tiny little ice cream shop next to the park. Once we reached the Ice cream shop, Hayes got a phone call from Nash so he told me to go in and order, as I entered the shop a whirl wind of memoires came flooding back , like when me and Hayes were to small to see over the counter we would climb on to the chairs and try our best to see all the different flavours of ice cream. " Hi can I help you", I brought out of my thoughts by a boys voice, I looked over to the counter to see a boy my age, I walked over to him and said "Hi, aren't you a bit young to work here", he smiled and said "well it's my family's business so not really, anyway my name's Luke", I smiled and said " My name's Hazel, it's nice to meet you Luke", he grabbed a cone and asked " So what would you like", I looked at the glass case which had the ice cream in cased in it and said "Could I get strawberry  with hundred and thousand, could I also get another cone with cookie dough ice cream and chocolate syrup and lastly can I get another cone with chocolate ice cream and nuts, thanks", he looked at me and said " their not all for you are they?", I laughed and said "No, well the strawberry is but the other two are for my brothers", he smiled and scooped the ice cream into the cones suddenly the little bell rang as someone entered the shop, I turned round to see Hayes walking over just as Luke handed me the cones, I gave Hayes his cone and Nash's to, as I paid for them, I smiled at Luke and said "Thanks Luke", he smiled then said "I know we just met but could I get your number and I could text you sometime", I nodded and handed him my phone once we exchanged numbers, me and Hayes had to go, I said bye to Luke as we left.

I can't believe it I'm finally making friends, I can't wait it's not long till the tour, and I get to see matt again.

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