1: Beau.

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The walls were white, and the forest is green.

Everything has its colors, some more distinct than others.

The white walls push the limited color of the room to the surface. At which there's a point that it is the only thing you can focus on. One of those generic mindfulness posters: "Your mind is a garden; be careful what you plant."

His feet move too quickly for his brain to comprehend as he ducks and hides between the never-ending trees. Seeming to stretch for miles in front and above him. Their brown hooks grab at his little tattered hoodie as he tries to run back to wherever the blurry memory of that poster is. If only he could remember what it said. The branches stretch down as if reaching for him, the only sound in the forest is the pitter-patter of his feet. His breath begins to wander, his eyes as blurry as his mind; while his feet keep moving for him. As the pitter-patter slowed, the crying boy hunched under the tree, Salt stains on his sleeves as he fell asleep under the comfort of the weeping willow. The tree nourishes from the boy's tears, soaking it in the roots. Its green shone a little more vibrant in the whispering black of that night. 

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 20, 2024 ⏰

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